Like the meeting originally planned for Jan. 23, which was postponed because of winter weather conditions, the Feb. 12 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in Fort Raleigh’s visitor center in Manteo, National Park Service officials announced Wednesday.
Ocean City Community Beach talk, lunch set for Feb. 13
The Historical Society of Topsail Island has invited Kenneth Chestnut to speak Feb. 13 about “Ocean City Community Beach, NC Past and Present” at its next Luncheon and Lecture program.
Audubon sanctuary gets $3 million for work to save marsh
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded the money to the Donal C. O’Brien Sanctuary and Audubon Center at Pine Island in Currituck County “to fund innovative marsh restoration pilot projects.”
Corps to host informational meeting on harbor project
The U.S. Army Corps’ Wilmington District is hosting a meeting this month to update the public on the conditionally authorized harbor project at the Wilmington port.
UNCW Blue Economy Index plunges following inauguration
The University of North Carolina Wilmington’s benchmark that tracks companies earning revenue via ocean resources has performed poorly since Trump returned to office.
Ports, suppliers in 40 states are invested in offshore wind
A new report from an ocean advocacy group finds that billions of dollars have been invested in U.S. ports in gearing up for or actively serving the offshore wind energy, which has created thousands of jobs, just as the new administration levels its anti-renewables sights at the industry.
Land trust, Windsor conserve 314-acre Hoggard Mill tract
The North Carolina Coastal Land Trust has transferred to the town the site that includes what is believed to be the first millpond built in the state.
Researchers to develop heat policy, risk interactive map
Duke’s Heat Policy Innovation Hub has been awarded $500,000 to design a web-based tool that is to help inform heat policies, assess heat risks in rural and coastal communities, and facilitate collaboration.
Funding available for public water access projects
Local governments in the 20 coastal counties may submit preapplications for matching funds to improve public accesses for beach and coastal waters until April 25.
Conservationists seek Farm Act changes to boost land gifts
Officials with land trusts across the state are concerned that incentives in the law that took effect Jan. 1 may not be enough to entice property owners to donate.
Buxton Beach is clean but advisory board sees work ahead
While the visible and odorous signs are now gone, a panel formed to oversee environmental restoration sees remaining challenges at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore site where a secret submarine survey base once operated.
Call for volunteers to help protect Carteret’s wild horses
Volunteers are needed to help the organizations that care for the wild horses on Shackleford Banks and Rachel Carson Reserve raise community awareness.
Pea Island groups seeks feedback, lifesaving station stories
The Pea Island Preservation Society is hosting a special program next month to receive feedback and collect more stories about the Pea Island Lifesaving Service station.
Agency nixes speed limits proposed to protect right whales
“Despite its best efforts, NMFS does not have sufficient time to finalize this regulation in this Administration due to the scope and volume of public comments,” NOAA said before Trump’s inauguration Monday.
Wildlife Corridor offers curriculum on animal crossings
Available at no charge, the new wildlife crossing curriculum is designed for middle school students, but can be modified to meet any learning level, organizers said.
EPA to NC: Solvent discharge limits deadline ‘mandatory’
A pending lawsuit notwithstanding, the Environmental Protection Agency has put North Carolina on notice: There’s no extension of the time frames for addressing the federal agency’s objections regarding the discharge of 1,4 dioxane into waters upstream of the Cape Fear.