Coastal Review has again been recognized for editorial excellence.
The North Carolina Press Association recently announced the results from its annual editorial contest, with Coastal Review taking seven awards in the association’s online-only division for work published between March 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
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Coastal Review staff won third place in the Community Coverage category. Coastal Review strives to cover all 20 of North Carolina’s coastal counties.
Assistant Editor Jennifer Allen was recognized with a third-place award for Feature Writing for her story, “Ghost forest education focal point of public science project.” Allen also took third in the General News category reporting for her two-part series, “Stripped Away: Wetlands Left Unprotected.”
Editor Mark Hibbs won second place in News Enterprise Reporting for “Deeds filed for Atlantic Beach dunes lead to access dispute.”
Photographer Dylan Ray took first place in the Photo Essay category for “Massachusetts turtles released on NC beach.” And photographer Mark Courtney won second in the same category for his “Ode to the Salt Marsh: Paddling the waters less traveled.”
Capt. Gordon Churchill took first place in the Lighter Columns category for his fishing column, The Angler’s Angle.
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The Colorado Press Association judged this year’s contest.
All winners and additional awards, such as those for General Excellence, are to be announced Sept. 19 at the North Carolina Press Association’s annual convention in Raleigh.
The association represents North Carolina newspapers and works to protect the public’s right to know through the defense of open government and First Amendment freedoms.