The odors Thursday prompted Cape Hatteras National Seashore staff to temporarily broaden the closed area of Buxton Beach near a former military and Coast Guard site.
Corps outlines geophysical, sampling plan for Buxton Beach
The Corps of Engineers is to begin work as soon as this month, and a contractor will do comprehensive sampling for petroleum later this year at the former Naval facility site on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
Pipe, liquids removed from contaminated Buxton Beach site
An Army Corps of Engineers contractor has extracted more than 70 feet of pipe and fluids at the former Navy base here, but soil sampling to determine next steps in the cleanup is still pending.
Corps says it will remove pipe, test soil at Buxton for fuel
The Corps of Engineers announced Monday that the Savanah District Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, program will remove a pipe and sample soil from Buxton Beach to determine if it is the potential source of petroleum fumes and sheens.
Photographer captures Buxton beach after storm damage
Don Bowers, who has been documenting storms in the northern Buxton beach area for decades, says the damage from this week’s low-pressure system “is as bad as I’ve ever seen it.”
Health advisory issued for contaminated Buxton beach
Officials said the contaminated soils were likely exposed by beach erosion near the former site of Naval Facility Cape Hatteras and Coast Guard Group Cape Hatteras in Buxton, from near 46285 Old Lighthouse Road to and including the first jetty.
Dare County wants Coast Guard to restore polluted beach
Dare County commissioners have approved a resolution requesting immediate action to remediate the Buxton beach access where debris and petroleum remain from previous military instillations.
Diesel odor returns to Buxton beach; source still unknown
A Defense Department project purportedly cleaned up petroleum and debris from a former Naval base site on a Hatteras Island beach, and while the source of recurring fumes and sheens on the water remains a mystery, erosion has revealed a messy past.
Navy base’s wretched reminders not just petroleum in soils
Recently exposed petroleum contamination at the old site of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, where the Navy and later the Coast Guard formerly operated, is but one nasty aspect of the abandoned installations’ environmental legacy.
Avoid possibly contaminated sand in Buxton: Officials
Officials are advising the public to avoid a stretch of beach in the Buxton area of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore because petroleum-contaminated soils from past military activity were likely exposed by recent beach erosion.
Public may provide input on proposed Buxton pathway
Comment period ends March 28 on the proposed multiuse pathway connecting Buxton to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and surrounding areas.
Institute students to present Buxton Woods study findings
Students at the UNC Institute for the Environment’s Outer Banks Field Site, who have been studying changes in vegetation in the Buxton Woods Reserve over the last 34 years, are set to present their research methods and findings Dec. 5 at the Dare County Fessenden Center Annex.
Officials describe Avon, Buxton nourishment projects
The two projects, which have been in the works for years, are expected to begin this summer and each take about 40-60 days to complete.
Student study finds Buxton Woods a healthy, valued reserve
UNC students participating in a capstone study project at the Coastal Studies Institute found that the Buxton Woods Coastal Reserve is both apparently healthy and valued in various ways by Hatteras Island residents.
Dare awards $26M bid for Avon, Buxton nourishment
A nearly $26 million bid was awarded Monday to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. for the 2022 Avon and Buxton beach nourishment projects.
Kitty Hawk, Buxton Reserve Sites Reopen
Kitty Hawk Woods Reserve in Kitty Hawk and the Buxton Woods Reserve on Hatteras Island reopened to visitors this week after being closed due to Hurricane Dorian damage.