The public comment period will now end Feb. 22 on the state’s incidental take permit application and conservation plan to address sturgeon and sea turtle interactions in the state’s estuarine anchored gill net fishery.
Rewetted drained pocosin can do a lot, like store tons of CO2
An ecosystem project in an NC peat bog could yield jobs, help with stormwater management and suppress wildfires and is part of an ambitious plan to create a carbon credit market to offset millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
‘Dismal Freedom’ author to give lecture, sign books
Professor J. Brent Morris will be at the Museum of the Albemarle Feb. 17 for a lecture and booksigning of his work, “Dismal Freedom: A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp.”
DEQ launches new webpage with grants, funding sources
The new webpage is a one-stop shop for local governments, businesses, community and nonprofit organizations and others, looking for grant and loan funding information for a variety of environmental projects.
Fly-fishing guide Harry Meraklis shares saltwater secrets
A fly fisherman since childhood in western Pennsylvania, Capt. Harry Meraklis of Kitty Hawk knows how to adapt to Outer Banks conditions.
Coastal legislators named to House, Senate committees
House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate Leader Phil Berger have announced committee appointments, including numerous legislators representing coastal districts.
Color in the canopy
A yellow-bellied sapsucker forages on a rose bush Wednesday near Russell Creek north of Beaufort in Carteret County. Photo: Dylan Ray
Federal rule reinstates longstanding clean water protections
President Biden’s final rule defining “waters of the United States” restores federal protections for streams, lakes, ponds and millions of acres of wetlands in North Carolina.
Talk to focus on nature-based coastal infrastructure
Dr. Sid Narayan presents “Forces of Nature: The Role Ecosystems Play in Protecting Coastlines and Communities,” Thursday in the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus.
Miss Katie dredge on track to work in Hatteras Inlet
The new state dredge Miss Katie is on track to be able to work in the Connector Channel by early February.
Construction threatens natural beauty that lured residents
As Carova residents prepare for higher seas, stronger storms and other effects of climate change, some residents are more focused on the human impacts.
State sets hearing on proposed Carteret shellfish leases
The Division of Marine Fisheries is holding an in-person public hearing Morehead City on 17 proposed shellfish leases.
Regan guest speaker at Martin Luther King Jr. observance
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan spoke Friday during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Program and John R. Larkins Award Ceremony that took place in Raleigh.
State offers STEM summer mentorship opportunities
The four-week, paid annual mentorship program with state government leaders is open to North Carolina high school girls with an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM.
Cape Carteret seeks additional grant for trail construction
Cape Carteret Commissioners unanimously voted to apply for a $100,000 grant to build the remaining 1.2-mile segment of the Cape Carteret Trail.
Marine Fisheries certifies white grunt as new state record
Logan Ennis of Red Oak caught the 4-pound, 13.6-ounce fish near the 14 Buoy off Morehead City.