UNCW researcher Lorian Schweikert was on a team that found the light organ patterns on the bodies of deep-sea shrimp were the best predictor of the size of their eyes.
Whales’ rebound in Australia a success story: Duke biologist
Conservation biologist David Johnston at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort says Australia’s recent decision to remove humpback whales from its endangered species list is a conservation victory and pivot point.
Historians at OBX event reveal enigmatic Thomas Harriot
He was chosen to be a part of Sir Walter Raleigh’s first expedition, and although little is known about scientist and mathematician Thomas Harriot, his written depictions of the New World say much about the author.
A day on the water: Spring trout fishing continues in April
Capt. Gordon Churchill takes readers out for a day on the water to fish for spring trout.
NC holds tools for clean economy with resulting benefits
The Environmental Defense Fund’s Michelle Allen writes that solutions are available for the transportation and power sectors to help North Carolina meet its climate goals, bolster the economy and reduce air pollution.
New Hanover discusses future of Cape Fear’s west bank
County commissioners during last week’s work session continued examining proposed development on riverfront property across from downtown Wilmington, currently being considered by nearby Leland for annexation.
OBX officials, agencies look to improve oil spill response
During the recent Outer Banks Regional Oil Spill Tabletop Exercise, officials and emergency managers worked together on plans to quickly respond to oil spills that could threaten the coasts of Hyde, Currituck and Dare counties.
Weakfish prolific spawners in North Carolina waters
It’s estimated that weakfish can spawn as many as 66 times per season, which is longer in North Carolina than in areas to the north.
New program looks to boost climate resilience around bases
Chris Baillie leads a three-year pilot program to determine if existing partnerships to protect military installations from encroachment should be expanded to better incorporate climate resilience and adaptation.
Sand from dredging expands eroded island habitat for terns
A recent dredge project has turned back years of erosion for a dredge spoil island near the federal channel in the Cape Fear River that supports colonies of royal terns and sandwich terns.
On current trajectory, NC won’t meet climate goals
Second in a commentary series by Michelle Allen of the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund: The state, despite its leadership on climate policy, is on track to fall short of power sector carbon-reduction targets.
Group funds education on shared NC, Virginia watersheds
A North Carolina nonprofit and another from Virginia have been awarded a combined $40,000 by the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership to help teachers educate students about the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine region.
Small, rural Hertford County has an identity all its own
Hertford County is a vibrant, successful county in the otherwise economically challenged region of northeastern North Carolina, writes historian Eric Medlin.
Federal funds set for northeast NC smaller dredge projects
Second in a new special reporting series on federal infrastructure spending and North Carolina’s navigation needs looks at the federal funds secured to maintain navigational channels and inlets in Dare and Hyde counties.
New technique using coral helps reconstruct past climates
UNC Chapel Hill doctoral candidate Hunter Hughes has developed a new technique, inspired by seismology, to reconstruct past climates using corals.
NC has $1.3M in federal funding for watershed restoration
Grants from Section 319 of the Clean Water Act are now available for communities to address pollution from stormwater and flooding.