The N.C. Environmental Management Commission is set to consider the Neuse/Tar-Pamlico New Development Stormwater Model Program and the 2021 Chowan River Basin Water Resources Plan.
water quality
Cape Fear Museum Highlights Global Water
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science in Wilmington is hosting “H2O Today,” a Smithsonian exhibit that looks at challenges related to global water sources.
$282M Awarded for Water, Sewer Projects
Nearly 100 drinking water and wastewater projects in North Carolina will receive $282 million in loans and grants.
DEQ Accepting Water Quality Grant Proposals
Grant applications for projects to restore impaired and and polluted state waters will be accepted until midnight May 4.
Groups Seek Judicial Review of EPA Report
Six North Carolina groups filed a petition Monday seeking judicial review of an Environmental Protection Agency evaluation of the cancer risk from 1,4-dioxane.
Gaps In Data Delay Chowan River Basin Plan
The N.C. Environmental Management Commission took no action to adopt an updated water resources plan for the Chowan River Basin, which has seen a steady increase in toxic algae blooms.
Hearing Set on New Groundwater Standards
The Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Resources will conduct an online public hearing Feb. 2 on proposed revisions to groundwater quality standards.
Hog Farm Cited for Waste Lagoon Failure
The state has issued a notice of violation and intent to enforce to DC Mills Farms Inc. related to a Dec. 21 animal waste lagoon failure that released 1 million gallons of untreated animal waste in Jones County.
Shindig Jan. 21 to Focus on Protecting Waters
Learn about Coastal Carolina Riverwatch’s mission to protect clean water, upcoming projects and ways to get involved during the virtual “Fresh and Salty Shindig” Jan. 21.
Avoid Water at 2 Beaufort County Sites: State
An advisory and an alert were issued against swimming Thursday at a soundside site in Belhaven and near Washington, both in Beaufort County.
Avoid Chowan’s Possible Algal Bloom: Officials
State Division of Water Resources officials urge the public to avoid a potential algal bloom in Chowan County, specifically in the Albemarle Sound and adjoining waterbodies.
Sea Level Rise Puts Septic, Sewers At Risk
Higher groundwater levels, heavier and more frequent rain storms and flooding associated with climate change threaten both individual and centralized systems for wastewater along the N.C. coast.
Move On to Take Over River Locks, Dams
The Fayetteville Public Works Commission was expected to submit a letter of intent this month to take ownership of three Cape Fear River locks and dams now owned and managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Coastal Research: Would You Swim Here?
Students with the UNC Institute for the Environment’s Field Site program spent last semester researching how contaminants get into Beaufort’s Town Creek and what happens next.
Coastal Research: One Town’s Septic Risks
UNC researchers recently presented findings from a study of how climate change and failing septic systems combine to affect Nags Head’s water quality and how the town is addressing problems.
Biologist: Seagrass A ‘Canary In Coal Mine’
Jud Kenworthy, a biologist and co-lead of a project to better understand the status of the submerged aquatic vegetation, says seagrasses can warn about the health of N.C.’s coastal ecology.