Five years into a coastwide plan to address marine debris in North Carolina waters, those behind the plan met last week to judge their effort and consider the message going forward.
Plans in motion to rid public lands of single-use plastics
The Department of Interior — including national parks — must phase out single-use plastic products within the decade, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced Thursday, but advocates remain worried.
Study is first to sample NC rivers, streams for microplastics
North Carolina researchers have estimated the amount of plastic pollution the size of grains of sand that are entering the Pamlico Sound from the Neuse River Basin. It’s a lot.
Whales may be ingesting millions of microplastics daily
Researchers in California have found that blue whales may be consuming 10 million pieces of microplastics per day, humpback whales may be consuming 200,000 pieces per day
Groups are setting traps to reduce plastics in NC waters
Devices that catch litter in storm drains and small creeks are being put in place in a growing effort to lower the amount of plastics and microplastics getting into waterways and the ocean.
Topsail Island towns float plan to reduce plastic pollution
Topsail Beach officials are drafting what could be the state’s first ban on unencapsulated polystyrene for floating dock repair and construction, part of a Topsail Island-wide anti-pollution initiative.
Leadership, action needed to reduce plastic pollution
“Our coast is quite literally our lifeline. And it is being increasingly sabotaged by plastic. So why aren’t our businesses and policy-makers doing something about it? ” writes Oceana’s Randy Sturgill.
City partners with groups, businesses to cut plastic waste
Wilmington officials have resolved to reduce plastic pollution and improve the city’s recycling program through outreach, education and support of businesses that minimize use of plastic straws and utensil.
Coastal Resources Commission digs in on artificial turf
Addressing a growing number of permit questions, the coastal policy and rulemaking body has approved a prohibition on artificial turf within the 30-foot shoreline buffer in areas of environmental concern.
Microplastics: The ‘big little problem’ plaguing oceans
Microplastics are a pervasive problem the North Carolina Coastal Federation addressed in a recent online forum with educators, researchers and environmental advocates.