The light green sand from a Norway mine deposited nearshore earlier this year in Duck is part of a pilot project studying how the material, when activated by seawater, removes carbon from the ocean and atmosphere.
Corps of Engineers
Judge Boyle rejects preliminary injunction in wetlands case
District Court Judge Terrence Boyle last week denied Robert White’s motion for a preliminary injunction in the Pasquotank County man’s challenge to Clean Water Act enforcement against him.
Shoreline stabilization of Snows Cut topic of public meeting
The Corps’ Wilmington District is hosting a public meeting to discuss a proposal to stabilize and protect the erosion-battered shoreline at Snows Cut in New Hanover County.
Public can weigh in on Wilmington Harbor expansion plan
The Army Corps of Engineers has kicked off a public review and comment period for its environmental study of the State Ports Authority’s controversial plan to deepen and widen Wilmington Harbor to accommodate larger ships from Asia.
Some coastal NC towns’ beach sand needs may go unmet
Amid a tug-of-war over claims to available nearshore borrow sites and studies pointing to critical shortages of beach-quality sand, some North Carolina beach towns are looking for sources beyond state waters.
Public meetings set to discuss Wilmington Harbor project
The Army Corps’ Wilmington District has scheduled a series of public meetings next month to discuss the Wilmington Harbor deepening project.
Pipe, liquids removed from contaminated Buxton Beach site
An Army Corps of Engineers contractor has extracted more than 70 feet of pipe and fluids at the former Navy base here, but soil sampling to determine next steps in the cleanup is still pending.
Superintendent vows ‘complete remediation’ of Buxton site
Superintendent David Hallac told attendees at a public meeting on the pollution and debris on Buxton Beach that Cape Hatteras National Seashore officials are working with the Corps and Navy on cleanup and funding options amid the bureaucratic logjam.
Wildlife groups seek to intervene in Pasquotank man’s case
The National Wildlife Federation and the North Carolina Wildlife Federation say Robert White’s dispute with the EPA and the Corps of Engineers could result in further narrowing of wetland protections with devastating water quality and economic effects.
Corps says it will remove pipe, test soil at Buxton for fuel
The Corps of Engineers announced Monday that the Savanah District Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, program will remove a pipe and sample soil from Buxton Beach to determine if it is the potential source of petroleum fumes and sheens.
Rouzer’s bill loosening sand-mining rule clears US House
A bill introduced by Rep. David Rouzer would allow barely a handful of East Coast beach towns to continue using sand from federally protected coastal zones for their nourishment projects — a measure the Audubon Society opposes.
Diesel odor returns to Buxton beach; source still unknown
A Defense Department project purportedly cleaned up petroleum and debris from a former Naval base site on a Hatteras Island beach, and while the source of recurring fumes and sheens on the water remains a mystery, erosion has revealed a messy past.
Dredge firm to begin $6.9M project in Cape Lookout waters
Louisiana-based Next Generation Logistics is contracted to open channels to the national seashore with suitable material to be used for beach nourishment to protect Cape Lookout Lighthouse and nearby historic structures.
Advocates cite risks of planned shipping channel project
The proposed deepening and widening of the Wilmington Harbor to accommodate larger ships is the latest in what Cape Fear River advocates say is a long list of threats.
Open house on Wilmington Harbor project set for June 13
The public will be able to speak with Corps staff who will be at different stations to talk about the plan to deepen and widen the main shipping channel in the Cape Fear River.
Corps to do environmental study for NTB terminal groin
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Wilmington District has published a notice of intent to prepare an environmental study for North Topsail Beach’s proposed shoreline hardening.