NCDEQ issued Chemours on Tuesday a notice of violation identifying instances of failing to meet conditions of a 2019 order.
Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board to Meet
The state Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board will meet at 10 a.m. Monday via WebEx, to continue discussing hexavalent chromium, compounds that are harmful to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.
Meeting Set on Swine Biogas Permit Changes
NCDEQ’s Division of Water Resources is seeking comment Jan. 26 on swine biogas permit requests for operations in Duplin and Sampson counties.
State Environmental Commission to Meet
The public can listen by phone or online this week when the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission meets.
NC Has Plan, But Resilience Work Lies Ahead
The statewide plan released this week to address flooding, drought and extreme weather amid a growing population, aging infrastructure and public health threats is just a first step, officials say.
State Now Has Plan For Climate Resilience
North Carolina’s environmental agency has released a collaborative plan nearly a year in the making to help guide policymakers in making vulnerable communities more resilient to climate change and coastal storms.
NC’s Turning Point For Climate Science
Hurricane Florence in 2018 marked the beginning of a shift in attitudes toward climate science, researchers say, but whether increased acceptance leads to policy changes remains uncertain.
Senate Budget Puts Tighter Hold on DEQ
The Senate released Tuesday its $24 billion, two-year spending plan, with big differences from the House and Cooper budgets that include environmental programs and DEQ funding.