North Carolina would likely have to cut by more than half the number of coastal swimming beaches that it routinely tests for contamination if the EPA follows through with a plan to eliminate federal grants for the monitoring.
News & Features
Coastal Sketch: Harry Brown, the N.C. Senate’s ‘Fixer’
State Sen. Harry Brown of Jacksonville is the majority leader and the coast’s highest-ranking legislative leader. A well-known car dealer, Brown talks about juggling his business life with a hectic schedule in Raleigh and his ability as a “fixer.”
State Grapples With Unknowns of Groin Permits
The N.C. Division of Coastal Management is grappling with many unknowns as it works with applicants to implement a new state law that allows as many as four small jetties, called terminal groins, to be built at inlets along the beach.
Wind Energy Could Benefit Morehead City
This port town in Carteret County is uniquely situated near prime offshore sites to take advantage of any wind-energy boom off the N.C. coast.