Revised maps for the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System currently awaiting congressional approval remove only a small portion of North Topsail Beach from environmental protections that restrict federal funding that encourages development.
An epic Outer Banks bike trip in 1971 changed teens’ lives
Inspired by a pirate movie and David Stick’s Outer Banks history book, Kevin Duffus and his friends Gary Snyder and Bob Thurber rolled out of Greenville 50 years ago on a biking expedition that was brutal, exhausting and transformative.
Geographer explains origins of Outer Banks place names
Roger Payne recently published his second reference guide to the names of places along North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
NC at a crossroads in dealing with water quality challenges
As North Carolina’s population continues to grow, algal blooms and other signs of human-caused nutrient pollution in rivers and estuaries stand to worsen.
State, FEMA approves millions to help flooded homeowners
Dare County has been awarded $4.2 million to elevate homes, one of the many counties to be awarded through the North Carolina Emergency Management and FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program.
Our Coast’s History: Remembering 1930s Sneads Ferry
Through Charles Farrell’s photographs of Sneads Ferry in the 1930s, historian David Cecelski learned the stories and people of the Onslow County fishing village.
Brunswick officials’ worries over offshore wind unresolved
Officials along North Carolina’s southern coast say the federal government has yet to address their concerns over the distance of proposed offshore wind turbines.
Aviation, history buffs to celebrate Orville Wright’s birthday
In honor of National Aviation Day, Aug. 19, the public can purchase rides on one of the famous “Warbirds,” or World War II aircraft, the Avenger “Doris Mae.”
House, Senate in budget talks as key differences remain
Both chambers plan to spend $25.7 billion this year and $26.7 billion next year, but a House and Senate conference committee are set to begin working through differences large and small.
Coast Guard commissions cutter named for NC native
A recently commissioned Coast Guard cutter bears the name of an enlisted Coastguardsman from Carteret County, who received the Silver Star for his heroism during World War II.
Climate outlook grim but NC is inching toward resilience
The report released Monday by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change paints a dire picture, but North Carolina is bucking its reputation for climate change denialism and slowly moving toward.
Lunar ‘wobble’ gets attention but sea levels are the problem
Cyclical variations in the moon’s orbit around Earth are nothing new, but the resulting rapid increases in tidal flooding in combination with rising sea levels will likely create myriad coastal problems in the future.
Groups challenge Corps’ elimination of dredge window
Coastal advocacy groups filed a legal challenge last week over the Army Corps of Engineers’ decision removing seasonal environmental restrictions on hopper dredging of the state port harbors at Wilmington and Morehead City.
Our Coast’s History: Menhaden Fishing Days
David Cecelski looks further into the work of photographer Charles A. Farrell, who documented fishing communities across the North Carolina coast in 1930s, including the menhaden industry in Beaufort and Southport.
Federation celebrates coastal stewards with Pelican Awards
The North Carolina Coastal Federation celebrated on Saturday about a dozen coastal stewards for their commitment to protect our coast.
House budget boosts resilience, but wetlands plan draws ire
The House budget unveiled Thursday includes almost $2 billion for flood prevention, resiliency and stormwater and wastewater infrastructure, but a provision affecting wetlands protection may conflict with those goals.