The N.C. Coastal Federation put in place one of the final pieces of the puzzle that will eventually restore water quality and provide public access to thousands of acres of restored wetlands at its North River Farms property.
News & Features
Seining the Sound to Learn Cool Stuff
Did you know that blue crabs molt or that pipefish are related to seahorses? Learn about the creatures of our sounds in a free N.C. Coastal Federation program this summer.
Lionfish Tournament: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Eat ‘Em
The first annual lionfish tournament on the Crystal Coast recently ended. Lionfish are a prolific invasive fish that have set up shop in our local waters, to the detriment of the original inhabitants. Local groups are searching for a way to control the population.
Wildlife Gardening: Bring on the Birds, Bees and Butterflies
Welcoming wildlife to your yard has many benefits for insects, amphibians, reptiles and mammals of all descriptions, including people. A recent workshop taught participants how it’s done.
On-the-Water Phase of Federation’s Southeast Office Move Complete
Wednesday afternoon, scores of onlookers watched as the future office of the N.C. Coastal Federation took to the water on its way to its new home in Wrightsville Beach.
Coastal Federation, Fisherman’s Post Team Up For Inshore Fishing This Summer
This summer offers a wealth of opportunities to catch some flounder, win some prizes and support the Coastal Federation all at once. Read on for more.
Proposed Landfill Bill Generates Concern, Criticism
As the state legislature heads into debate on a new measure that drastically revises the state’s landfill policies, a chorus of voices expresses concern, urges caution.
Super-Sized Restoration Projects Begin in Hyde County
Ground-breaking is imminent on two of the N.C. Coastal Federation’s large-scale hydrologic and habitat restoration projects in Hyde County. A previously unheard-of partnership of farmers, a conservation nonprofit and others have combined forces on projects that provide benefits for all concerned.
Take a Free Guided Tour of Pea Island
The federation provides visitors with free guided Pea Island beach walks on summer Wednesdays. Read on and plan to join us.
A Tour of N.C. 12
Coastal Advocate Ladd Bayliss takes readers on a tour of the tenuous N.C. 12 from Nags Head to Rodanthe.
Titan Asks to Increase Pollution Limit
Titan America wants to increase the amount of pollutants allowed at its proposed cement plant near Wilmington and has quietly bought more than 2,000 additional acres to mine limestone to make cement.
No Relief in Sight for Battered Road
A project to widen the beach to protect beleaguered and battered N.C. 12 on Hatteras Island will not start for months, despite the public perception that it would be completed before hurricane season.
Jetties, Dumps and Fracking Wells
Those are the environmental bills that are due up next as the N.C. General Assembly enters the last few weeks of its session.
McCrory, DENR Oppose Jetty Bill
A move by coastal senators to scuttle a 2011 compromise on the use of terminal groins to halt beach erosion has gotten a cold reception from the McCrory Administration.
State Senate Takes Ax to Ocracoke Center
North Carolina spent $7 million to renovate an old Coast Guard Station on Ocracoke for the east campus of the N.C. Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Now the Senate wants to shutter the place.
State Could Acquire Oregon Inlet?
The Senate’s proposed budget contains a provision that creates a task force to look into acquiring the notorious inlet in Dare County from the federal government.