The Coastal Resource Commission’s inlet management study won’t be meeting its deadline to state legislators. The results of the study will be the basis for policy decisions on a series of complex issues relating to inlets.
Beach & Inlet Management
Deja Vu All Over Again?
A task force created by the state legislature is studying ways to acquire Oregon Inlet and adjacent lands. With the land in hand, the state could then resurrect the old plan to build jetties at the inlet.
Meetings Set for Inlet-Management Study
The first of four meetings to hear what people think are the best ways to manage the developed inlets along the N.C. coast will be held this week in Buxton.
CRC Removes Restrictions at Old Inlet
To no one’s surprise, the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission yesterday sided with its science panel and agreed to a rule change that will lift the development restrictions from Mad Inlet at Sunset Beach.
Sunset Beach Wants CRC to Table Inlet Proposal
The state’s Coastal Resources Commission will take up a controversial proposal when it meets today to remove an old inlet from state rules that restrict development near inlets, but Sunset Beach wants the CRC to table it.
Kitty Hawk Considers Beach Taxing Plan
Though a possible beach widening project is still months off, the Dare County town has begun considering a taxing plan to pay for it.
State Taking Another Look at Inlet Rules
Regulations that control development around the state’s ever-changing and sometimes volatile inlets are being reexamined in a new study currently underway.
Dredging Plan Ignites New Sand Skirmish
The latest skirmish in the ongoing war for sand to re-nourish beaches has broken out on Shackleford Banks in Cape Lookout National Seashore.
CRC to Consider Weaker Rules at Old Inlet
A controversial proposal that would loosen development rules on land where a tidal inlet once separated Sunset Beach from Bird Island will again be considered by the state Coastal Resources Commission when it meets next month.
Dare Towns Commit to $42 Million Beach Plan
What the federal government refused to fund, towns on the Outer Banks have committed to tackling, and more — pumping sand onto beaches in Duck and from Kitty Hawk to South Nags Head. All to the tune of $42.6 million.
Hagan, Jones Side With N. Topsail
Sen. Kay Hagan and Rep. Walter Jones have introduced bills to support North Topsail Beach’s push to persuade federal officials to erase much of its coastal barrier zone boundaries.
State Could Acquire Oregon Inlet?
The Senate’s proposed budget contains a provision that creates a task force to look into acquiring the notorious inlet in Dare County from the federal government.
Boating, Fishing Groups Oppose Dredging Bill
Several boating and fishing groups and boat manufacturers are opposed to a bill that would raise the yearly registration fee on all recreational boats in North Carolina in order to pay for dredging inlets along the coast.
Sandy Relief Bill May Rescue Oregon Inlet
Emergency legislation before Congress that is intended to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy would also send $11 million to the Outer Banks to dredge clogged Oregon Inlet and the Hatteras ferry channels.
Wider Beach Saved S. Nags Head
A beach re-nourishment project is credited with minimizing damage in South Nags Heads during Hurricane Sandy.