This year’s farm bill includes a provision creating a general permit for animal operations to build and operate farm digester systems for capturing methane for energy.
Comment on Pasquotank River Basin Plan
NCDEQ’s Division of Water Resources is requesting public review and input by May 31 oof the draft 2020 Pasquotank River Basin Water Resources Plan.
$5.2M in Relief Awarded to Fishing Industry
More than $5.2 million in financial assistance was awarded to those eligible in fishing industries who sustained income losses in the spring of 2020 due to COVID-19.
Expect Coyote Sightings This Month: WRC
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reports that coyote sightings peak in May as they become more active searching for food to support their pups.
Officials Seek Long-Term Plan to Save NC 12
Finding solutions for imperiled N.C. 12, including the ferry terminal at Ocracoke Island’s north end, is a “top priority,” an NCDOT official told the Coastal Resources Commission.
Coastal Reflections
Clouds fill the sky and reflect on the water along with commercial fishing trawler Miss Katlyn’s riggings near the Oyster Creek boat ramp in Davis in Carteret County. Photo: Dylan Ray
Moores Creek Battlefield Gifted Cannon
Moores Creek National Battlefield in Pender County has received a replica of “Mother Covington’s Daughter,” a cannon in the story of the 1776 Battle of Moores Creek Bridge.
New Nursery Area Rules Effective Saturday
Nine special secondary nursery areas have been reclassified with associated changes affecting gill net attendance requirements in select waters.
Anglers Can Donate Fish Carcasses to Science
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries reminds fishers that they can donate fish carcasses to science at one of seven freezer sites along the coast.
Rawls to be First Female NC Fisheries Director
Kathy Rawls becomes the Division of Marine Fisheries director Saturday, the first woman to head the agency.
Butterfly Chaser’s Quest Leads to NC Coast
North American Butterfly Association President Jeffrey Glassberg recently visited Bogue Banks specifically to see the rare species named for the Crystal Coast.
PKS, Federation Complete Stormwater Work
Pine Knoll Shores and the North Carolina Coastal Federation recently completed a project to reduce nuisance flooding by managing stormwater.
Sunset Beach Clear to Begin Creek Dredging
Sunset Beach has permits for its planned dredging of South Jinks Creek and canals, but a small group of opponents continues to raise environmental concerns.
Cape Fear River Watch to Host PFAS Seminar
Cape Fear River Watch is hosting a seminar Saturday with guest speakers who specialize in how contaminants such as GenX affect health, policy and community.
Project Aims to Inspire Girls to Pursue STEM
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science in Wilmington has launched an outreach project to inspire young women and gender minorities to pursue careers in STEM.
NPS Seeks Input on Ocracoke Light Station
Cape Hatteras National Seashore staff will hold two meetings in May to hear the public’s ideas about how to preserve the Ocracoke Light Station on Ocracoke.