The Outer Banks National Scenic Byway has been awarded the 2021 Community Byway Award from the National Scenic Byway Foundation.
Homeowners’ Rain Catchment Ideas Began With A Trickle
Outer Banks residents Tom and Vickie Byers’ interest in minimizing their home’s environmental footprint led them to create a rainwater system for their garden, showers and flushes.
Summer Camps Planned at CSI in Wanchese
The Coastal Studies Institute in Wanchese is offering this summer four weeks of camp with two alternating weekly themes for ages 10 to 15.
Nags Head Hires New Town Manager
Nags Head commissioners have selected North Carolina native Michael C. Silverman as the Outer Banks town’s next manager.
Wright Brothers Initiative Connects Ohio, NC
An education and tourism initiative launching this summer tells the story of the Wright brothers from Dayton, Ohio, to Kitty Hawk.
Clams Can Boost Seagrass Restoration: Study
Seagrasses, a foundation of coastal habitat, are in peril and restoration efforts have a two-thirds failure rate, but a multispecies approach could improve success.
Dare County to Collect Hazardous Waste
Dare County Public Works is collecting household hazardous waste from residents at three locations next week.
3 Bridge Projects Awarded in Beaufort County
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has awarded contracts to replace two bridges and improve another in Beaufort County.
More Delay for Mid-Currituck Bridge
An unresolved lawsuit is pushing the expected start of construction of the proposed mid-Currituck bridge until late 2023.
PFAS Prevalence, Effects Clearer: Report
Researchers say concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water from the lower Cape Fear region “considerably higher” than levels nationwide.
Help Available with Monthly Internet Bills
Families and households working, learning and shopping from home during the COVID-19 pandemic can apply for help paying for high-speed internet through a $3.2 billion federal program.
Landing the Perseverance Rover on Mars
Join Carteret County native and NASA engineer David Way May 25 as he tells the story of how he and his team landed in February the Perseverance rover on Mars.
EMC to Consider Swamp, Wetland Rules
The state Environmental Management Commission will consider during its meeting May 13 the proposed removal of the swamp classification for part of the Cape Fear River.
Topsail Reef Sandbags OK’d For 5 More Years
The Coastal Resources Commission says the temporary, oversized sandbags in place at a condo complex in North Topsail Beach can remain for another five years.
State Officials Want You to ‘Fight the Bite’
State health officials advise North Carolinians to “fight the bite” by taking steps such as using insect repellant and other prevention tools to avoid tick- and mosquito-borne disease.
NTB Municipal Service Districts Hearing Set
North Topsail Beach has scheduled a public hearing May 15 on proposed districts related to the town’s beach erosion control and flood and hurricane protection works project.