A Duke University-led team studied 35 years of satellite images of the state’s Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula.
Clean Energy Plan Target Attainable: Study
Small policy changes can put in motion affordable and cleaner electricity generation options, according to a recent report on the North Carolina Power Sector.
Consumers Key to Reducing Plastic Waste
A recent study found that a 20% shift from consumption of small plastic bottles to larger plastic bottles could decrease U.S. plastic waste by 10,000 tons a year.
Sea Level Rising More Rapidly: ‘Report Cards’
The recently released U.S. Sea-Level Report Cards from William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences show that not only are seas rising faster, the acceleration rate is increasing.
NOAA Unveils Rip Current Prediction Model
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says its new rip current forecast model can predict the hourly probability of rip currents along every mile of beach up to six days out.
UNCW Researchers Spawn Endangered Coral
Researchers at the University of North Carolina Wilmington Center for Marine Science are the first to spawn two species of coral in a laboratory.
Better Beach Data Goal of DUNEX Project
A pilot study underway at the Army’s coastal and hydraulics research facility at Duck Pier aims to improve the quality of beach data researchers collect during storms.
Researcher to Study Eastern NC Lakes
A UNC researcher is set to study water storage in eastern North Carolina lakes with the help of state residents and NASA.
Exploring a Piece of Battle of the Atlantic
Researchers are using advanced technology to more fully explore recently discovered wreckage of a German U- boat and an Allied merchant ship that were sunk off Cape Hatteras in 1942.
Plugging Into the Gulf Stream?
Scientists are studying whether the huge amount of water that the Gulf Stream moves past our coast each second could be harnessed as a clean source of renewable energy.
The State of the Sharks
Some say sharks are endangered, others that great whites are on the surge. We take you on a shark research ship to learn what’s happening to our coast’s top predators.
How Many Alligators in N.C?
To try and answer that question, Lindsey Garner, a graduate student at N.C. State University, is conducting the first alligator census in the state in 30 years.