Methane’s role as a greenhouse gas was recently elevated to new prominence during the U.N. climate change conference in Glasgow, but here in North Carolina, addressing a big source of emissions won’t be easy.
Our Coast’s history: The early days of Bogue Banks
Historian David Cecelski takes readers to the early days of Salter Path, before paved roads, now flanked with hotels and condos, cut through the Bogue Banks village
‘A Sound River’ documentary traces nonprofit’s 40 years
Filmmaker Rain Bennett, who grew up on the Pamlico River and produced the history of environmental nonprofit Sound Rivers, says storytelling is a powerful way to stand up to polluters.
Upheaval, rebirth cement Pasquotank’s role in NC history
It was Colonial North Carolina’s original political center and the site of an early rebellion — Pasquotank County, its people, history, educational institutions and economy are part of what makes this the regional anchor.
Simple messages: North Carolina Coastal Federation at 40
Guest columnist John Runkle, one of the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s founding board members, writes that the nearly 40-year-old nonprofit’s mission has been guided by clear messaging, namely, “No wetlands, no seafood.”
Winds, temperatures can affect varying red drum numbers
A new UNCW study looks at how wind, water temperature and food source can affect juvenile red drum in nearshore areas.
New plan aims to save northeastern NC marshlands
The recently released Currituck Sound Coalition Marsh Conservation Plan was designed to address the challenges marshes in the sound face, including sea level rise.
What do anglers really want for Christmas this year?
Capt. Gordon Churchill, Coastal Review’s new fishing columnist and longtime guide on the North Carolina coast, shares his list of responses to that familiar question this time of year.
Researchers eye alternative energy to power state ferries
The North Carolina Ferry Division and university researchers are studying possible ways for alternative energy to power the state’s 21 ferries.
‘Oystering the old way’ exhibit new to Waterfowl Weekend
A new exhibit showing traditional oyster-harvesting methods is on display, just in time for the annual Waterfowl Weekend set for Friday through Sunday at the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center on Harkers Island.
What’s on the line? Spotted seatrout, aka ‘speckled trout’
Spotted seatrout, commonly known as speckled trout, can be found in coastal and estuarine waters from Massachusetts along the U.S. Atlantic Coast to as far south as the Yucatan Peninsula.
Feral hogs slow recovery of damaged salt marshes: study
A new study finds that the invasive species significantly slows the pace a salt marsh can adapt to climate change-related issues such as drought and sea level rise.
An Outer Banks reporter walks into a global climate summit
Longtime Coastal Review correspondent Catherine Kozak recently attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26, where attendees seemed to know little about coastal North Carolina, despite the significant climate perils facing this part of the world.
Years of flood disasters drove NC’s new resiliency funding
After years of climate disasters across North Carolina, the newly approved state budget includes hundreds of millions of dollars for new programs and initiatives to address flooding and bolster resilience to storms.
Coastal Habitat Protection Plan 2021 amendment approved
The Coastal Habitat Protection Plan’s 2021 amendment to the 2016 plan has been unanimously approved by the Coastal Resources, Environmental Management and Marine Fisheries commissions.
Mullet fishermen: A journey from Carteret County to Florida
The Florida fishing village known as Cortez has long been populated by folks with surnames that have for even longer been associated with the Bogue Sound area of North Carolina.