Wilmington and advocacy groups are joining with the state Cooperative Extension for a weeklong celebration of Cape Fear Creek Week starting March 13.
Right whale researchers to give program Friday in Beaufort
North Atlantic right whale aerial observers with the Florida-based Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute will be at the N.C. Maritime Museum in Beaufort Friday evening to present their research.
DEQ to accept water quality grant proposals until May 4
The Department of Environmental Quality expects to award $1.5 million in federal Clean Water Act money to restore polluted or impaired waters.
March fishing fix: Answers, friends, are blowin’ in the wind
While you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, March brings conditions that require anglers to plan, lest the idiot wind blows through the buttons of your coat.
NC, Denmark enter offshore wind energy agreement
North Carolina and Denmark officials have agreed to work together on the state’s responsible development of offshore energy.
PFAS testing: 1,000 homes qualify for filtration or tap, so far
As PFAS sampling continues on private drinking wells, nearly 1,000 households downstream of Chemours’ Fayetteville Works plant have levels that qualify for in-home filtration systems or a public water utility connection.
Ocean, climate change conference to be offered virtually
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation conference will be offered in person in Washington, D.C., and virtually June 6-8.
Coastal flood-reduction projects awarded state funding
A project in Carteret County to restore the Newport River and one to research the practice of water farming on Hofmann Forest were awarded funds.
EMC to consider supporting water quality program funding
The Environmental Management Commission is to consider a resolution asking decisionmakers to provide more funding for landowner cost-share programs that reduce pollution entering coastal estuaries.
Solutions are few for imperiled oceanfront homes: Panel
Officials at the first public meeting of an interagency work group said that while prevention could be far less costly than cleanup, limited programs or funding options are available to deal with erosion-threatened oceanfront homes before they collapse.
Appeals court upholds decision on mid-Currituck bridge
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit affirmed a December 2021 district court decision that found environmental rules were followed on proposed bridge plans.
Corps to do environmental study for NTB terminal groin
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Wilmington District has published a notice of intent to prepare an environmental study for North Topsail Beach’s proposed shoreline hardening.
Environmental Justice Board to assist on flood resiliency
The Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board has appointed a committee to advise the Division of Mitigation Services on including underrepresented communities in its development of a statewide flood resilience plan.
Basnight Bridge, Bonner Pier inspections to begin
The work will require daytime lane closures for the bridge, while small sections of the pier that is used for sightseeing and fishing will be closed during the inspection.
Public may provide input on proposed Buxton pathway
Comment period ends March 28 on the proposed multiuse pathway connecting Buxton to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and surrounding areas.
Sometimes it is easy being green
A green anole, the United States’ only native anole, hunts near a row of agapanthus Monday in a Beaufort garden. Photo: Dylan Ray