Wintertime is peak season for viewing waterfowl at wildlife refuges and natural areas on the coast, but birders who prefer the view from indoors can also see a variety of species, if they offer the right food.
UNC to Host Fourth Clean Tech Summit
UNC’s fourth annual Clean Tech Summit, set for March 2-3 in Chapel Hill, will highlight innovations, trends and challenges in the clean technology industry, as well as the state’s role in a green global economy.
Speaker Moore Invited to Tour Wind Farm
N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore has been invited to take a tour of the wind farm he wanted to close.
In Carova, Battle Rages Over Development
A family’s plans for commercial development on Carova Beach have led to a decades-old fight over zoning, property rights and how to protect a sensitive coastal area.
Who’s Trying to Kill Amazon’s Wind Farm?
Community officials in northeastern North Carolina are excited about the economic potential of the nearly operational wind farm here that a group of legislators are trying to scuttle.
State Gets $4.5 Million for Matthew Recovery
Gov. Roy Cooper announced North Carolina received a $4.5 million grant to assist in long-term Hurricane Matthew recovery.
Hamilton to Lead Natural, Cultural Resources
Gov. Roy Cooper on Thursday named Rep. Susi Hamilton, a Wilmington Democrat, to lead the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
Trump to Cut Sustainable Energy Offices
President-elect Trump’s staff intends to cut funding to federal offices connected renewable and sustainable energy.
Bird Island ‘Mayor’ Frank Nesmith Looks Back
Others now lead tours of the coastal reserve, but Frank Nesmith, 90, the man whose love for Bird Island sparked the effort to spare it from development, still enjoys connecting with kindred spirits.
Panels Recommend Denying Trawling Petition
Five committees that advise the state Marine Fisheries Commission voted Tuesday to recommend denying rules proposed in a North Carolina Wildlife Federation petition calling for new limits on shrimp trawling.
Kitty Hawk Wind Energy Lease Sale Set
More than 122,000 acres offshore Kitty Hawk will be offered in a wind energy lease sale in March, the Obama administration announced Tuesday.
FerryMon Founder Strives to Save Project
Hans Paerl of UNC Institute of Marine Sciences, one of the founders of the recently suspended state ferry-based water quality monitoring program, says the work of the project is too important to abandon.
Navy Isn’t Worried About Wind Farm
A Navy public affairs officer said the Navy has not contacted the N.C. General Assembly over concerns about the Amazon Wind Farm.
Updated Plan for Navassa Cleanup Released
The final version of the work plan for investigation and remediation at the EPA Superfund site in Navassa details proposals for further contamination data collection.
New Session, Same Environmental Battles
As the 2017 session of the General Assembly begins, the House and the Senate remain divided on key environmental issues, many left over from last year, including a continued fight against renewable energy projects.
‘Snowy Egret in January Wind’
A snowy egret makes his way across the rock jetty at Fort Fisher, seeking shelter from the brisk January wind. Photo: Terri Chabot