Work has begun in preparation for the removal of what remains of Frisco Pier, which was already closed when damaged during Hurricane Earl in 2010.
Susan White Links Space Research, NC Coast
As director of NC Sea Grant, NC Space Grant and the state’s Water Resources Research Institute, Susan White finds ways to put emerging technology to work researching the state’s coast.
Cape Lookout Readies for Winter
Cape Lookout National Seashore has announced its winter hours. Effective Dec. 10, the Beaufort Visitor Center will be closed and the Harkers Island Visitor Center will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and closed on Sunday.
Bald Head Ferry Authority Meeting Dec. 14
The first meeting of the Bald Head Island Transportation Authority is set for Dec. 14 in Bolivia. The ferry system that was once privately owned is now under Brunswick County’s management.
Rising Sea Levels Complicate Flooding Issues
The Outer Banks towns of Manteo and Nags Head have long been working to address stormwater problems, but rising seas and increased rainfall have made their efforts increasingly more challenging and expensive.
North Topsail Beach Manager Resigns
Town Manager Stuart Turille submitted a letter of resignation from his position in North Topsail Beach effective Jan. 1, 2018. The town board of aldermen will meet in a closed session Dec. 6 to discuss how to proceed.
Light At the End of the Rainbow
Doug Waters of Morehead City captured this image of a rainbow over the Cape Hatteras National Seashore in November at Buxton.
Jones Urges Study of Proposed Channel Shift
Congressman Walter B. Jones wants the Army Corps of Engineers to evaluate all possible outcomes of its proposal to move the Morehead City Port channel 700 feet west, away from Shackleford Banks and toward Atlantic Beach.
Sunset Beach, Developers Reach Agreement
An agreement has put on hold a lawsuit over proposed development of land at the west end of Sunset Beach that was once an inlet and may result in the state buying and conserving the property.
Coastal Commission’s Science Panel To Meet
The North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission’s Science Panel will meet Dec. 5 in New Bern to review inlet shoreline change rates and to discuss methodologies used to update inlet hazard area.
NOAA Tools Offer Help With Coastal Planning
NOAA’s Digital Coast is a set of online tools developed to help turn data on sea level rise, coastal flooding and the benefits of wetlands into useful information for coastal communities.
Public Forum Dec. 4 To Hear GenX Concerns
A meeting of the N.C. Science Advisory Board is set for Monday in Wilmington, followed by a public forum to hear feedback on GenX and other concerns surrounding emerging contaminants.
Sam’s Field Notes: The Balloon Problem
Balloon releases at concerts, games, weddings and other events have … well, ballooned in popularity but, as Sam Bland explains, coastal wildlife often suffers when they’re sent skyward, whether intentionally or not.
NCDOT To Upgrade To New, Larger Ferry
Elliot Bay Design Group has designed a 38-vehicle ferry for NC DOT Ferry Division expected to replace the 26-vehicle, M/V Thomas A. Baum Hatteras-class ferry in March 2019 when vessel construction is completed.
Senate Bill Would End Red Wolf Program
A Senate panel has asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to end its 30-year effort to help the nearly-extinct eastern red wolf recover in the wild.
Donald Van Der Vaart Resigns DEQ Position
Donald van der Vaart, the former Department of Environmental Quality secretary under Gov. Pat McCrory, has resigned from his position in DEQ’s Division of Air Quality after being put on suspension.