A presentation advocating seismic surveys and the possibility of offshore drilling off the North Carolina coast did not sway the Dare Board of Commissioners from their stance that it carried an unacceptable risk.
DEQ Files Injunction Against Chemours
The state Department of Environmental Quality asked the court Monday to require Chemours to control air emissions of GenX compounds.
Grants Announced for Contaminant Research
The North Carolina Policy Collaboratory has announced $430,000 in grants for three research projects to address emerging contaminants, including GenX, in North Carolina.
Public Weighs In on Holden Beach Groin
Most who spoke Friday during a Holden Beach town commissioners meeting voiced opposition to the $34.4 million plan to build a terminal groin at the east end of the beach.
Piehler to Lead Institute for Environment
Michael Piehler, current interim executive director of the UNC Coastal Studies Institute in Wanchese and professor at UNC Institute of Marine Sciences in Morehead City, has been named director of UNC Institute for the Environment.
N. Topsail Board Refuses Revetment Contract
The North Topsail Beach Board of Aldermen has refused to accept the lone contract proposal offered so far to repair the sandbag wall built to protect beachfront homes and condos from erosion.
Knapp to Lead Effort To Stop Seismic Testing
Frank Knapp Jr., Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast former president and CEO, is now focusing his attention at the helm of the S.C. Small Business Chamber of Commerce on a potential lawsuit to stop seismic testing in the Atlantic.
State Requires Chemours to Prove Control
The state Division of Air Quality moved Friday to require Chemours to show within three weeks that air emissions at the Fayetteville facility can be controlled at a level that will stop contributions to groundwater violations.
New Hanover Posts Draft Development Rules
New Hanover County Planning Department has published online the first draft phase of its Unified Development Ordinance, or UDO.
NPS Removes Asphalt from Hatteras Beach
Cape Hatteras National Seashore staff have removed from Lighthouse Beach chunks of asphalt recently exposed by a series of storms.
Hyde County Adopts Derelict Vessel Rule
Hyde this week became the fourth coastal N.C. county to approve an ordinance addressing the problem of abandoned vessels in public waters, the county’s first step that applies only to Ocracoke’s harbor.
Navassa Site Update Set for April 10
EPA, DEQ and the Multistate Trust are set to host Tuesday in Navassa a public availability session and public meeting to answer questions and give an update on the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. Site.
Deserted Island Village to Come Alive Again
The historic and normally quiet Portsmouth Village will be awash in voices and music later this month as island descendants and others gather for the biennial homecoming celebration.
Brunswick Approves New Solar Farm Rules
Brunswick County commissioners recently approved changes to solar farm requirements in the unified development ordinance, or UDO, that included eliminating size limits.
EPA’s Pruitt Takes Over Regional Decisions
A leaked EPA memo directs the agency’s regional offices to cede to administrator Scott Pruitt Clean Water Act determinations related to the preservation of streams, ponds and wetlands.
Book on Federation’s Work Published Online
University of Virginia history professor Glenn Blackburn has written “Saving Great Places” about the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s work to protect important places on the North Carolina coast