The hopper dredge Murden began work Saturday dredging the South Ferry Channel and will work on the problem shoal until April 21.
Brunswick Shellfish Lease Hearing May 25
The state Division of Marine Fisheries is holding a public hearing 6 p.m. May 25 on a proposed shellfish lease in Brunswick County.
Our Coast: Remembering a Church Bombing
David Cecelski shares his conversation with retired Trooper Bob Edwards, sole eyewitness to the 1966 bombing of an African American church in Craven County.
Bill Would Set PFAS Drinking Water Standard
A bipartisan U.S. House bill introduced this week would regulate, including setting a national drinking water standard, for contaminants known as PFAS.
Black Sea Bass Season to Open May 15
The recreational black sea bass fishing season is set to open May 15 in both federal and state waters north of Cape Hatteras.
Bicycle, Pedestrian Plan Grants Available
Municipalities can apply for funding through the state Department of Transportation to develop comprehensive bicycle or pedestrian plans.
Solo Summer Litter Program Needs Students
Carteret Big Sweep is recruiting students who need volunteer hours to participate in the Summer Solo Cleanup program collecting litter at beach accesses.
Ocean Isle Wins Appeal on Terminal Groin
A federal appeals court panel has affirmed a lower court’s decision allowing Ocean Isle Beach to proceed with construction of its proposed terminal groin.
Pender County Shellfish Leases Hearing Set
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries is holding at 6 p.m. May 18 a public hearing by web conference on proposed shellfish leases in Pender County.
Mainland-Ocracoke Ferry Service Resumes
Cedar Island and Swan Quarter ferry service to Ocracoke resumed Tuesday after suspended and an altered schedules for much of the month.
‘The Lost Colony’ to Cast 20 Native Americans
After a dialogue over race and a season canceled by the pandemic, producers of “The Lost Colony” are making changes including how roles are filled.
Seeds of Resilience May Be In Forests, Farms
Support appears to be growing in North Carolina for using natural, restored and working lands to help offset carbon emissions and reduce flooding severity.
Oak Island to Consider Tax District Map
The Oak Island Town Council is expected to consider Tuesday a proposed map of special tax districts to fund beach nourishment.
Sea Grant Publishes Seafood Guide
Barry Nash, N.C. Sea Grant’s seafood marketing specialist, has compiled a free online guide about the commercial seafood industry.
Gas Pipeline Work Planned in Newport
Visible flames, audible sounds and the smell of natural gas are possible this week as Piedmont Natural Gas performs routine pipeline maintenance in Newport.
Lane Closures Begin for Emerald Isle Bridge
Traffic is reduced to a single lane at night through Thursday for repairs to the Cameron Langston Bridge connecting to Emerald Isle and the mainland.