It’ll be a swell time next week in Nags Head during the annual Surfalorus Film Festival.
In its 13th year, the three-day festival showcasing films on surfing and surfers is scheduled for Monday through Wednesday at the North Carolina Aquariums Jennette’s Pier.
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The festival is held during the Eastern Surfing Association’s annual, year-end competition. North Carolina Aquariums in partnership between Cucalorus Film Foundation and Dare Arts are presenting the festival.

There will be 13 films screened plus a special presentation at 6 p.m. Tuesday with the NC Oyster Trail, a tourism initiative to promote the state’s oyster industry.
An all-access pass is $25. Ticket information is available on the website.
The festival begins at 6 p.m. Monday with live music from festival director Zach Hanner and the original southern fried Hawaiian band, CarolinAloha. “Cigarette Surfboard” documentary and Q&A with filmmaker Ben Judkins is to follow at 7 p.m., both at the pier.
The documentary “Walkabout: The Songlines of Surfing” about the friendship of Australian pro surfer Robbie Page and surfing legend Arnaud Mestelan is set for 4:30 p.m.
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Several short films are scheduled to be screened Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon. Social hour and awards are to take place at 6 p.m. Wednesday before the 7 p.m. showing of “Channel Man — Col’s Story.” The documentary looks at underground surfing legend Colin Smith from Redhead, New South Whales.
“The Surfalorus Film Festival is so happy to be back with our ohana in Nags Head and the Outer Banks,” Hanner said in a release. “Last year’s festival saw many attendees that had no connection with surfing but were still able to enjoy our screenings as cultural events. You really don’t need to surf or be a surfer to have fun at our festival. But if you have any connection to the culture, you’ll love what we’ve put together,”