Officials with land trusts across the state are concerned that incentives in the law that took effect Jan. 1 may not be enough to entice property owners to donate.
North Carolina General Assembly
Coastal commission lawyer: CAMA a 50-year ‘balancing act’
Coastal Resources Commission legal counsel Mary Lucasse, speaking during a recent legal symposium in New Bern, said the Coastal Area Management Act balances development and private property rights with protecting natural resources.
Van der Vaart: Likely carcinogen does not equal carcinogen
Chief Administrative Law Judge and Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings Dr. Donald van der Vaart revoked permit limits of 1,4-dioxane for municipal wastewater treatment plants that discharge a compound the EPA calls a likely human carcinogen into the drinking water sources of tens of thousands.
Groups petition EPA to revoke NC’s water permit authority
Advocacy groups are asking the Environmental Protection Agency to revoke the state’s authority to regulate water pollution through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program.
Coastal commission to adjust rules to comply with new laws
The Coastal Resources Commission, when it meets Aug. 27-28 in Beaufort, is to consider changes to align existing rules with recently passed state laws, including new looser requirements for replacing or repairing damaged or destroyed docks.
Flood history questions added to real estate disclosure form
Home sellers, as of July 1, now have to respond to detailed flood history questions relevant to the property on a form to be provided to buyers before an offer is made, but gray areas remain.
Former Southport ETJ residents have chance to be heard
Brunswick County’s planning department has scheduled a drop-in open house July 25 in Southport on changes related to the legislature’s elimination of the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Cooper declines to sign bill delaying catch-reporting rule
The controversial measure that requires recreational anglers and commercial fishermen to report their catch of five named species takes effect late next year.
Measure gives Bald Head Island OK to study adding groin
Village officials say the bill allows the option to study whether a terminal groin would be viable in controlling erosion at the east end of the island’s south beach, but it remains unclear whether it will happen.
Legislature to revisit significant archaeological resources
Sen. Norm Sanderson last week vowed to again take up measures to deal “with all the archaeological situations that we have in North Carolina that have kind of sprung up on us recently.”
Bald Head Island Conservancy questions groin bill logic
The nonprofit’s executive director, whom the village council invited to make a presentation Friday, urged a smart decision regarding marine life and terminal groin law changes pending in Raleigh.
Bill change adds terminal groin, limits historical site rules
Language to “rein in” the Division of Coastal Management’s authority has been removed, but a Coastal Area Management Act review could return during the next session.
Dare towns drop lawsuit over state housing
With Dare County mandated to return $35 million in housing funds to the state, its six towns have voluntarily dismissed the suit filed in October contesting conditions attached to the money.
Bald Head Island seeks to change hardened shorelines law
The first North Carolina beach to build a terminal groin after state lawmakers lifted a 30-year ban on erosion-control structures like those is asking legislators to allow more.
State commissions adopt fisheries catch-reporting rules
The Marine Fisheries Commission and the Wildlife Resources Commission in separate meetings Thursday approved rules that take effect Dec. 1 and that critics call unenforceable government overreach.
State’s newspaper association lauds public records bills
The North Carolina Press Association announced its support Thursday for a bill to amend the North Carolina Constitution with language that preserves the public’s right to access government meetings and records.