The Corps of Engineers announced Monday that the Savanah District Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, program will remove a pipe and sample soil from Buxton Beach to determine if it is the potential source of petroleum fumes and sheens.
Corps of Engineers
Rouzer’s bill loosening sand-mining rule clears US House
A bill introduced by Rep. David Rouzer would allow barely a handful of East Coast beach towns to continue using sand from federally protected coastal zones for their nourishment projects — a measure the Audubon Society opposes.
Diesel odor returns to Buxton beach; source still unknown
A Defense Department project purportedly cleaned up petroleum and debris from a former Naval base site on a Hatteras Island beach, and while the source of recurring fumes and sheens on the water remains a mystery, erosion has revealed a messy past.
Dredge firm to begin $6.9M project in Cape Lookout waters
Louisiana-based Next Generation Logistics is contracted to open channels to the national seashore with suitable material to be used for beach nourishment to protect Cape Lookout Lighthouse and nearby historic structures.
Making a Way: Army Corps of Engineers 1930-1932
Historian David Cecelski has compiled a selection of photographs from an album the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Office of History discovered in their historical collections a few years ago.
Advocates cite risks of planned shipping channel project
The proposed deepening and widening of the Wilmington Harbor to accommodate larger ships is the latest in what Cape Fear River advocates say is a long list of threats.
Open house on Wilmington Harbor project set for June 13
The public will be able to speak with Corps staff who will be at different stations to talk about the plan to deepen and widen the main shipping channel in the Cape Fear River.
Corps to do environmental study for NTB terminal groin
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Wilmington District has published a notice of intent to prepare an environmental study for North Topsail Beach’s proposed shoreline hardening.
Inlet channel maintenance made simpler: Go with the flow
The Corps of Engineers now says it has authority to follow the deepest natural water, or best water, in the Rollinson Channel Navigation Project linking Hatteras and Ocracoke islands.
Hatteras Inlet channel realignment is federally approved
Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District announced Wednesday that the new official route and that the original location will no longer be maintained.
Corps reinstates seasonal dredging window at state ports
The Army Corps of Engineers’ action follows a federal judge’s ruling that the agreement with the state to eliminate the restrictions on hopper dredging meant to protect federally listed species was illegal.
Dredging to begin in Bigfoot Slough this weekend
A Corps of Engineers-contracted dredge is to start clearing shoaling in the state ferry channel leading into Ocracoke’s Silver Lake Terminal, the N.C. Department of Transportation announced Tuesday.
Corps policy has caused nonfederal dredging costs to soar
The Army Corps of Engineers says its five-year-old rule blocking local governments, marinas and private entities from using its dredged material disposal sites will remain.
Corps begins new look at Surf City’s 50-year beach plan
The Corps is reevaluating the Topsail Island town’s proposed 50-year federal project now that North Topsail Beach has backed out of the partnership.
Tiresome issue won’t stop Wrightsville Beach sand project
Other New Hanover County towns’ beach nourishment work was slowed when the dredge encountered tires from old artificial reefs but the known offshore debris field isn’t halting Wrightsville Beach’s plans to pump sand from its new borrow site.
Oregon Inlet unnavigable by most vessels: Army Corps
An area of Oregon Inlet along the Marc Basnight Bridge was completely shoaled in, officials said Friday.