A new report finds the effects of hurricanes and other weather disasters are getting worse, especially for the poorest, and that now is time for building community resilience.
Six Sea Turtles to be Released Saturday
There will be six rehabilitated sea turtles released Saturday morning by the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island at the Frisco Bath House on Hatteras Island.
Offshore Oil, Gas Safety Rules Loosened
The Trump administration moved Thursday to relax the safety regulations adopted after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon blowout, despite push back on the effort to expand offshore drilling and oil exploration.
Bierly Named for Posthumous Award
The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters recognized with a lifetime achievement award the late Dick Bierly, who served as president of the North Carolina Coastal Federation board of directors.
Despite Objections, CRC OKs Port Expansion
The Coastal Resources Commission granted a variance allowing the Wilmington port to expand its turning basin but bristled over ports officials’ handling of the request and lack of transparency.
Barden Inlet May Lose Aids to Navigation
The public can submit comments until Monday on the U.S. Coast Guard’s proposal to remove aids to navigation in Barden Inlet, the main access to Cape Lookout National Seashore, which is only accessible by boat.
Judge Allows AG to Intervene in Land Dispute
A judge has granted the state attorney general’s motion to intervene in a case in which a property owner seeks to develop waterfront property in Morehead City set aside in 2003 for conservation.
Senate Mulls Fisheries, Shellfish Overhauls
Bills advanced Wednesday by Sen. Norm Sanderson would create a new shellfish leasing program and extensive changes to the state’s marine fisheries oversight
Life Under the Sea
This vibrant octopus was spotted in the Pamlico Canyon about 20 miles offshore of the Outer Banks by a remotely operated vehicle, or ROV, during a dive project sponsored by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. The dive is part of the fifth research expedition of the Deep Sea Exploration and Research of Coral/Canyon/Cold seep Habitats, or DEEP SEARCH.
SELC’s Carter to Address Brunswick Group
Derb Carter of the Southern Environmental Law Center is slated as guest speaker for the Brunswick Environmental Action Team’s third annual membership meeting Monday in Supply.
Creative Caregivers Lend Help After Storms
People in Wilmington and other coastal North Carolina communities are coping with lingering effects of recent hurricanes, with assists from community groups and visiting professionals.
Forum to Cover Hurricane Preparedness
Meteorologists at the National Weather Service office in Newport are set to host a free forum Monday in Morehead City to answer questions about hurricane preparedness.
Study Eyes Tourism’s Effect On Groundwater
Researchers studying groundwater quality on Bogue Banks, where there’s no central wastewater treatment plant, have shown correlations in nitrogen levels and seasonal population spikes.
House Rolls Out Bulk of Budget Plans
House appropriations committees have approved funding for the Department of Environmental Quality lap upgrades and for the Clean Water Management Trust Fund and Parks and Recreation Trust Fund.
EPA Updates Disaster Debris Planning Guide
A new federal guide for helping communities create disaster debris management plans includes lessons learned from more recent hurricane seasons and a focus on climate change resiliency.
State Environmental Justice Board to Meet
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board is set to hold its fourth meeting May 22 at UNC Charlotte.