The Army Corps of Engineers is asking for public comment on a proposed beach nourishment project in Buxton.
State commission to hear petition on limiting CO2 pollution
N.C. Environmental Management Commission will hold a special meeting July 13 on a petition that rules be made to limit CO2 pollution from the electric power sector.
Free tram now makes stop at Ocracoke Light Station
The Ocracoke Express tram now makes a stop at the historic Ocracoke Light Station, a part of Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
Hatteras Village Pathway construction progresses
Construction is well underway on the Hatteras Village pedestrian and multi-use pathway.
Senate budget includes fisheries studies, ferry funding
The state Senate’s two-year spending plan approved last week includes funding for fisheries research, expanding the shellfish lease program and a new loan program for growers, along with a new dedicated fund for Ferry Division capital expenses.
NCDOT to hire climate change policy adviser
The state is advertising for candidates to lead the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s climate change programs.
Rep. Gillibrand, Sen. Pappas to join PFAS town hall Tuesday
The Southern Environmental Law Center, GreenLatinos and EarthJustice are hosting a town hall discussion on PFAS
effects in drinking water and waterways Tuesday using Zoom videoconferencing.
Coast Guard changing aids to navigation in Carteret waters
The Coast Guard is making more than two dozen changes to aids to navigation near Shackleford Banks and Harkers Island in Carteret County.
New Hanover offers tips to control mosquitoes at home
New Hanover public health officials encourage residents to take steps at home to control the mosquito population.
Superfund process, cleanup to end for 20+ acres in Navassa
Officials say more than 20 acres in the 200-acre, creosote-contaminated Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. site in Navassa will have met cleanup goals by this fall.
Cooper appoints Elizabeth Biser DEQ Secretary
Gov. Roy Cooper has appointed Elizabeth Biser as secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality.
Hatteras Village relies on commercial fishing, a safe inlet
Alana Harrison, Hatteras Village seafood market owner and fish dealer, worries that shoaling in Hatteras Inlet will cause local commercial fishermen to relocate to neighboring fishing ports.
NC Wildlife officers to join Operation Dry Water, July 2-4
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will take part in a nationwide campaign to promote sobriety while boating and educate boaters about the dangers of boating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Vote expected on North Topsail Beach service districts
The districts are proposed for the southernmost end of town and would generate revenue to pay for the town’s beach erosion control and flood and hurricane protection projects.
State adjusts flounder seasons to rebuild stocks
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries announced Wednesday it has adjusted the recreational and commercial flounder seasons for 2021 to ensure a sustainable fishery.
Language from PFAS bills rolled into Senate budget
Provisions aimed at stepping up state monitoring of contaminants known as per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances were wrapped into the Senate budget plan released this week.