Microplastics are a pervasive problem the North Carolina Coastal Federation addressed in a recent online forum with educators, researchers and environmental advocates.
New law nixes 3-bid requirement for dredging contracts
Gov. Roy Cooper has signed a bill exempting dredge projects from the state requirement that local governments get three bids before awarding contracts.
NC commercial fishermen landed less seafood last year
While North Carolina commercial fishermen sold 20% less last year to seafood dealers, the recreational harvest remained stable.
Drone trial delivers supplies to Ocracoke Island
NCDOT’s aviation and ferry divisions and drone company Volansi, completed two successful trial flights with a chocolate muffin delivery from Hatteras to Ocracoke Island.
New variants now better detected in wastewater sampling
Researchers with a newly expanded program that analyzes samples from municipal sewage treatment facilities in North Carolina are working with a company to quickly develop tests for the latest COVID-19 variants as they emerge around the world.
Online Spanish resource guide offered for hurricane season
Enlace Latino NC, a Spanish-language news service, recently launched Prepárate NC, an online guide with resources for the hurricane season in Spanish.
Discussion slated on Coastal Habitat Plan amendment
The North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Steering Committee is set to review a draft amendment to the plan.
New turtle excluder device requirement goes in effect Aug. 1
A new turtle excluder device requirement will go into effect next month for skimmer trawl vessels 40 feet or more in length.
Reflections of summer
Fishers watch their lines as a scope reflects the pier house Thursday at the end of the Bogue Inlet Fishing Pier in Emerald Isle. Photo: Dylan Ray
DUNEX research, delayed by pandemic, set to resume
Stalled for more than a year, the collaborative research effort known as the DUring Nearshore Event Experiment, or DUNEX, is set to continue its study of coastal processes, including during extreme storms, at locations on the Outer Banks this fall and winter.
Stan Riggs recognized for ‘Excellence in Marine Geology’
ECU professor Dr. Stanley Riggs has been awarded the 2021 Francis Parker Shepard Medal by the Society for Sedimentary Geology.
Ocracoke Island Discovery Center now open to visitors
The Cape Hatteras National Seashore has opened the Ocracoke Island Discovery Center for educational exhibits in the former visitor center.
Red knots’ epic spring migration includes North Carolina
Ocracoke Island and other areas of the Outer Banks have seen encouraging numbers of red knots passing through on their marathon migration during the past few springs, a good sign for the shorebird species’ recovery.
Meeting set for bridge project easements in game land
The N.C. Department of Transportation is asking for feedback on a proposed change to Juniper Creek Game Land in Brunswick County for a proposed bridge replacement.
Video: Rodanthe ‘jug handle’ bridge nears completion
Construction on the Rodanthe bridge is close to completion, N.C. Department of Transportation officials say.
After years of cuts, House eyes boost for Land, Water Fund
North Carolina’s Land and Water Fund for conservation and restoration projects is on track for an appropriation at a level not seen in more than a decade.