NOAA named Andy Strelcheck to lead Fisheries’ Southeast Region, which oversees North Carolina, based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
State water infrastructure committee to meet Friday
The Viable Utility Reserve Committee of the State Water Infrastructure Authority will meet at 10 a.m. Friday by teleconference.
Lunar ‘wobble’ gets attention but sea levels are the problem
Cyclical variations in the moon’s orbit around Earth are nothing new, but the resulting rapid increases in tidal flooding in combination with rising sea levels will likely create myriad coastal problems in the future.
Groups challenge Corps’ elimination of dredge window
Coastal advocacy groups filed a legal challenge last week over the Army Corps of Engineers’ decision removing seasonal environmental restrictions on hopper dredging of the state port harbors at Wilmington and Morehead City.
Volunteers needed Sept. 11-25 for statewide litter sweep
NCDOT seeks volunteers to help clean up state roadways during the annual fall litter sweep in September.
Our Coast’s History: Menhaden Fishing Days
David Cecelski looks further into the work of photographer Charles A. Farrell, who documented fishing communities across the North Carolina coast in 1930s, including the menhaden industry in Beaufort and Southport.
Firm to present Oak Island floodwater management options
Oak Island commissioners are expected to hear proposed solutions to the town’s critical flooding and water quality issues Tuesday.
Federation celebrates coastal stewards with Pelican Awards
The North Carolina Coastal Federation celebrated on Saturday about a dozen coastal stewards for their commitment to protect our coast.
NASA ambassador to be on hand for Astronomy Night
The free Astronomy Night at the Cape Lookout National Seashore’s visitor center this month will feature a presentation by NASA’s Brandon Porter and telescope tips from the Stargazers club.
Funding available to repair damage due to Florence
Assistance is available for eligible homeowners in 27 counties to repair damage due to Hurricane Florence in 2018.
FEMA makes hazard mitigation program funds available
North Carolina is to receive nearly $64 million in federal funds to cover the costs of mitigation projects and increase resilience to climate change.
Short line railroad safety improvement grants awarded
About $10.2 million in matching grant funds have been awarded to 12 short line railroads and the North Carolina Ports Authority as part of NCDOT’s Freight Rail and Rail Crossing Safety Improvement program.
House budget boosts resilience, but wetlands plan draws ire
The House budget unveiled Thursday includes almost $2 billion for flood prevention, resiliency and stormwater and wastewater infrastructure, but a provision affecting wetlands protection may conflict with those goals.
Family researcher discovers Bertie County ancestor’s secret
John Bunch of Tampa, who spoke Saturday at the 10th Family History and Genealogical Fair at Hope Plantation, found answers in his research that confirmed what his relatives had long denied.
2021-22 North Carolina transportation map now available
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has made available at no charge its detailed 2021-22 statewide map.
Carteret proposed as critical habitat for rufa red knot
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed designating all Bogue Banks beaches as critical habitat for the rufa red knot, a threatened small sandpiper.