Portions of N.C. 12 were closed over the weekend due to ocean overwash and deep sand, and NCDOT expects travel disruptions caused by Hurricane Teddy will continue through Tuesday .
Heavy Rains, Flooding Possible This Week
A low pressure Wednesday morning over northeastern South Carolina may cause eastern North Carolina to experience heavy rains and minor flooding later this week.
Cedar Point Toughens Flood Ordinance
Under a mandatory new Federal Emergency Management Agency map, some properties built in Cedar Point will have to use piers or pilings instead of solid-wall foundations.
Gauges Added to Improve Flood Prediction
The Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership recently funded three new gauges for the state Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network to help better predict flooding in the low-lying northeast region.
More Heat, Floods, Storms ‘Virtually Certain’
A report released Wednesday by the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies puts the latest science on global climate change and sea level rise in perspective for North Carolina.
Meetings Planned on New Dare Flood Maps
The Dare County Planning Board is hosting in February two informational meetings regarding the newly released updated flood maps for unincorporated areas.
New Dare Flood Maps Misrepresent Risk
Updated flood maps for Dare County and its six towns misrepresent the flood risk for property owners, the county planning director says.
Partnership Aims to Reduce Flooding in PKS
The North Carolina Coastal Federation is partnering with the Bogue Banks town of Pine Knoll Shores on a project to reduce flooding and protect water quality.
Fix Costly For Roanoke Island’s Flooding
A study of drainage infrastructure in Roanoke Island’s most frequently flooded neighborhoods finds that long-term solutions would cost more than $2.6 million.
Roanoke Island Flood Report to be Presented
Dare County will host a community meeting Sept. 23 to learn the results of the Department of Transportation’s Roanoke Island drainage report, which was prompted by extensive flooding in July 2018.
Construction Continues in Flood Risk Areas
A recent national real estate industry study ranks North Carolina second among states with the highest number of new homes built in the 10-year flood risk zone.
Study: Climate Change Key in Cycle of Floods
With six of seven of the highest rainfalls since 1898 occurring within the last 20 years, UNC researchers find that climate change may be stirring a feedback loop of flood-producing coastal storms.
Online Tool Provides Real-Time Flooding Data
The Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network, or FIMAN, has recently launched an online tool that gives residents and visitors access to real-time flood gauge data to help determine flooding risks for their area.
Using Flood Exposure Maps Webinar Set
A 40-minute webinar is scheduled for July 16 for users to better understand the NOAA Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper tool that helps visualize the risks of flooding in a community.
Flood Insurance Workshops Set
The N.C. Department of Insurance is offering in July five flood insurance conferences, with two on the coast, to help the public, insurance and real estate agents statewide understand the need to purchase flood insurance .
On Flood Control, The Dutch Are Masters
The storm surge barrier near Rotterdam, Netherlands, a feat of engineering, is but one example of what coastal North Carolina can learn from the Dutch about flood prevention.