The commission that makes marine fisheries rules has several vacancies coming up in various advisory committees.
Groups call for federal protection of diamondback terrapins
Nonprofits have petitioned the federal fisheries agency to list as endangered the diamondback terrapin, an estuarine creature frequently drowned in abandoned crab pots.
Comment period opens for 8 proposed fisheries rules
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission has opened a public comment period on proposed rules related to the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, false albacore management and pot marking requirements.
Commercial striped mullet closures to increase by a day
The current Saturday and Sunday commercial harvest weekend closure for striped mullet will change to a Saturday through Monday closure beginning Oct. 1.
Military releases environmental review of offshore training
A public comment period is open on the Department of the Navy’s draft supplemental environmental impact statement/overseas environmental impact statement for proposed continuation of offshore military training with sonar and explosives.
Division, nonprofit team to tag red drum, track by satellite
Popular among anglers, little is known about the reproduction and migration of the state’s official saltwater fish, which the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and N.C. Marine & Estuary Foundation’s new pilot tagging study seeks to remedy.
Fisheries aligns with Wildlife Resources’ flounder season
The Division of Marine Fisheries has lined up its rules with those of the Wildlife Resources Commission for recreational flounder fishing by hook-and-line in joint waters.
Water Quality for Fisheries Symposium set for October
Registration is open for Coastal Carolina Riverwatch’s Water Quality for Fisheries Symposium scheduled for Oct. 9-11 at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort.
Fisheries Commission to receive southern flounder updates
During the Marine Fisheries Commission meeting Aug. 21-23 in Raleigh, members will hear updates on southern flounder stock and last year’s landings.
State fisheries sinks tug at artificial reef off Cape Lookout
The Thomas Dann joins two other vessels at AR-305, the 183-foot Spar and the 439-foot Aeolus, sunk in 2004 and 1988, respectively.
Wildlife Resources OKs 4-day recreational flounder season
The state agency that manages inland waters voted last week to hold an abbreviated recreational flounder season in its waters Sept. 1-2, and Sept. 7-8.
Hearing Aug. 28 on six proposed Onslow shellfish leases
The Division of Marine Fisheries is holding the hearing that begins at 6 p.m. in the Holly Ridge Community Room.
Public may comment on proposed fishing, land use rules
The Wildlife Resources Commission proposes lowering the daily creel limit for striped and white mullet from 200 to 100 fish in aggregate and establish a limit of no more than 400 fish total per boat to align with Marine Fisheries rules.
New guide helps tackle ID’ing state’s freshwater fishes
Check out the recently published “A Guide to North Carolina’s Freshwater Fishes” to find out which of the 40 families of freshwater fish are on the coast and where.
DMF asks anglers to donate red snapper carcasses
The Division of Marine Fisheries has set up three temporary drop-off spots, in addition to the 12 carcass collection locations throughout the year, where recreational fishermen can take their red snapper carcasses.
Committee to review proposed oyster, clam rule changes
Division of Marine Fisheries staff and Oyster/Hard Clam Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee members are scheduled to meet July 15-17 to review draft amendments to eastern oyster and hard clam fishery management plans.