The Marine Fisheries Standard Commercial Fishing License Eligibility Board is expected to review submitted applications during its next meeting.
Strelcheck to lead NOAA Fisheries’ Southeast region
NOAA named Andy Strelcheck to lead Fisheries’ Southeast Region, which oversees North Carolina, based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
What’s on the line: Atlantic wahoo
Atlantic wahoo is one of the East Coast’s most prized gamefish, but a number of factors create management challenges for the popular species.
Southern flounder plan advisory committee workshop set
The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee will have a workshop Aug. 10 to further review draft Amendment 3.
Comment period open on crab, shrimp processing rules
The public comment period ends Oct. 1 on proposed amendments relating to commercial crab and shrimp processing, including the prohibition of repacking foreign crab meat in North Carolina.
Marine Fisheries releases 2021 stock overview
The Division of Marine Fisheries released Wednesday the annual stock overview of state managed marine fisheries species, including shrimp and blue crab.
2021 Shellfish lease application period ends Aug. 2
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries reminds potential applicants that the shellfish lease application period ends Aug. 2.
NC commercial fishermen landed less seafood last year
While North Carolina commercial fishermen sold 20% less last year to seafood dealers, the recreational harvest remained stable.
New turtle excluder device requirement goes in effect Aug. 1
A new turtle excluder device requirement will go into effect next month for skimmer trawl vessels 40 feet or more in length.
What’s on the line: Atlantic tarpon, the ‘silver king’
Known in sportfishing lore for their spectacular leaps when hooked, Atlantic tarpon could become a catch-and-release-only species in North Carolina.
Deadline next week for NOAA Habitat Month photo contest
Submit coastal and marine habitat photos by July 21 to help NOAA Fisheries highlight Habitat Month this month.
Marine Fisheries committees to discuss small-mesh gill nets
Three state Marine Fisheries Commission advisory committees will meet by web conference later this month to discuss possible future small mesh gill net management measures.
Division of Marine Fisheries seeks striped bass advisers
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is looking for advisers to sit on the Estuarine Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee.
Stubborn greater amberjack live up to ‘reef donkey’ name
Powerful fighters that can test any anglers’ tackle and ability to land them, greater amberjack are often called “reef donkeys.”
State adjusts flounder seasons to rebuild stocks
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries announced Wednesday it has adjusted the recreational and commercial flounder seasons for 2021 to ensure a sustainable fishery.
Division of Marine Fisheries to collect red snapper carcasses
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries announced Tuesday it will collect red snapper carcasses from recreational fishermen during the upcoming red snapper-mini season.