Rad Tillett, 84, and a lifelong Outer Banks resident, shares his memories of life on the family farm that’s now Nags Head Woods, a designated National Natural Landmark managed by The Nature Conservancy.
Masks Now Required at All National Parks
Employees, visitors, partners and contractors must now wear a mask while at all national parks and federal buildings, including those in coastal North Carolina.
Avon Beach Nourishment Project Meeting Set
Dare County has scheduled a virtual presentation and meeting to discuss the proposed beach nourishment project in Avon.
Fans Show Love for Old Manteo Theater
A crowd-funding effort that nearly doubled its goal will help owner Buddy Creef reopen the century-old Pioneer Theater, where generations have watched countless screenings, including a few East Coast film premieres.
Science Network Seeks Input On Resilience
The Collaboratory for Coastal Adaptation over Space and Time, or C-CoAST, has scheduled virtual listening sessions to hear about the priorities and concerns that are part of decision-making in coastal communities.
North Topsail OK’d for Dune Restoration
North Topsail Beach officials say the town now has federal approval to begin Hurricane Florence dune restoration work that was supposed to have begun in November.
EPA Nominee Regan Set for Senate Hearing
Michael Regan, Biden’s nominee to lead the EPA, can likely expect questions on some of the same issues during his confirmation Wednesday as when he was confirmed NCDEQ secretary.
Eat More Seafood: Latest Federal Guidelines
Americans should consume more seafood, less beef and pork, according to the latest federal dietary guide, and the change could also be good for coastal communities.
Olive Otter Ready to Greet Aquarium Guests
The North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island announced Monday that its new North American river otter, Olive, is ready to welcome company.
Groups Seek Judicial Review of EPA Report
Six North Carolina groups filed a petition Monday seeking judicial review of an Environmental Protection Agency evaluation of the cancer risk from 1,4-dioxane.
What’s on the Line? NC Black Sea Bass
Underwater photographer and columnist Robert Michelson illustrates the habits and management of “the relatively unknown ocean bass called the black sea bass.”
Secretary’s EJ Board Meeting Set for Feb. 22
NCDEQ Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will meet Feb. 22 by teleconference to discuss public outreach and engagement.
Port’s Environmental Study Awaits Funding
Planned deepening and widening of Wilmington harbor, the first project subject to a new fast-track federal process, was authorized in December, but the environmental review remains unfunded.
N.C. Coastal Federation Earns Top Ranking
The nonprofit North Carolina Coastal Federation, Coastal Review Online’s publisher, has earned a four-star rating from Charity Navigator for the seventh consecutive year.
NCDOT Suspends Ferry Routes Due to Wind
North Carolina Department of Transportation ferry routes in northeastern North Carolina were offline Thursday because of high winds.
Biden Signs Order On Climate, EJ, Natural Gas
President Biden signed an executive order Wednesday that addresses climate change, environmental justice, protects U.S. lands and waters and pauses on entering into new oil and natural gas leases.