Submit coastal and marine habitat photos by July 21 to help NOAA Fisheries highlight Habitat Month this month.
UNC institute’s shark survey a trove of 50 years of data
Long before sharks became a fearsome focus for filmmakers and TV programmers, scientists with the UNC Institute of Marine Sciencea’ shark survey began what is now considered a rare archive of consistent, long-term research.
Seeking shoreline snacks
A blue heron hunts near the shore of the Straits in Marshallberg amid a combination of man-made bulkhead and living shoreline in Down East Carteret County. Photo: Dylan Ray
Historic Hertford ‘S-bridge’ swing span has been removed
Contractors placed on barges Monday sections of the bridge that connected the towns of Hertford and Winfall since 1928.
Commission agrees to begin rule-making to limit CO2
The state Environmental Management Commission voted Tuesday to move forward with rules to limit carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector.
Advisory group OKs $18M soundside event center
An advisory committee voted July 8 to recommend to the Dare County Tourism Board a plan for a $17.6 million event center at the Soundside Event Site in Nags Head.
NTB won’t join beach nourishment project partnership
North Topsail Beach will not be committing to a joint multi-million-dollar beach nourishment project with Surf City and the Army Corps of Engineers.
Hatteras residents invited to storm readiness project meeting
Hatteras Island residents can attend a meeting Wednesday with UNC Chapel Hill researchers to help prepare and recover from storms.
NC Aquariums make Shark Week connection
Work by research scientists at N.C. Aquariums will be featured this week on shark-themed television programs.
Though it’s Shark Week on TV, sharks are year-round in NC
Coastal Review is recognizing Shark Week this week with a special Nature Notes on the sharks that inhabit North Carolina waters.
1,4 dioxane added to CO2 pollution petition meeting agenda
A discussion on 1,4 dioxane has been added to the agenda of the N.C. Environmental Commission’s special meeting Tuesday on rule-making to limit CO2 pollution from the state’s electric power sector.
Authority to discuss water infrastructure project funding
The State Water Infrastructure Authority will meet Wednesday in Raleigh to consider funding several drinking water and wastewater system projects.
Set your sights on Cape Lookout’s next Astronomy Night
Astronomy Night is returning to Cape Lookout National Seashore after more than a year pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic 8-10 p.m. Friday, July 16, at the Harkers Island Visitor Center.
BOEM Carolina Renewable Energy Task Force to meet
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Carolina Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force will meet July 21 via Zoom to discuss wind energy off the coast of the Carolinas.
Park Service to support Gullah Geechee corridor project
The National Park Service’s selection of a project to connect the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor with the East Coast Greenway in Brunswick County will bring national exposure, proponents say.
Elsa whips up surf
An onlooker holds on to his hat as waves crash into the pilings of the Oceanana Fishing Pier in Atlantic Beach Thursday as Tropical Storm Elsa moves through Carteret County. The storm brought to the state heavy rainfall and maximum sustained winds of near 45 mph as it accelerated toward the northeast. Photo: Dylan Ray