They have large fins that look like wings and there are 16 known species in North Carolina waters but whether they’re a nuisance, a delicacy or merely a fascinating addition to a saltwater aquarium depends on who you ask.
Annual project to remove lost fishing gear underway
The North Carolina Coastal Federation has begun its eighth year collecting lost fishing gear in sounds on the northern and central coast.
Cherry Branch ferry runs remain reduced due to COVID-19
The Cherry Branch-Minnesott Beach ferry route will continue to run on an adjusted schedule through Jan. 17 due to COVID-19 cases and exposures.
New Hanover County commissioners table zoning request
The proposal is opposed by a coalition of nonprofit groups concerned about cultural and natural resources and environmental justice issues.
Climate in peril: A coastal NC farmer’s perspective
More frequent storms with record amounts of rainfall have pummeled farms in the region and rising saltwater has reached low-lying fields, but while some still question the science, farmers are working to adapt.
Webinar on clean water rule’s effect on agriculture set
A virtual meeting is set for 10:30 a.m. Tuesday to review the effects of former, current and proposed changes to the regulatory definition of Waters of the United States and explore what the changes will mean for farmers and their property.
National Park Service offers free entry on special days
All National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee, including Wright Brothers National Memorial, will offer free admission to everyone on a handful of special days.
Program on South’s free people of color kicks off series
Warren Milteer Jr., history professor at University of North Carolina Greensboro will present the program Jan. 18 during the North Carolina Maritime Museum’s Third Tuesday Lectures.
Oyster awareness: Shellfish benefit environment, economy
Guest commentary: North Carolina’s collaborative shellfish strategy includes public education efforts showcasing how oysters can be a catalyst for a resilient future, where people and ecosystems thrive.
Governor recommits to a clean energy economy
Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday signed an executive order with new emissions-reduction goals and calling for new ways to reach carbon neutrality, prioritize environmental justice and develop clean energy transportation options.
New Hanover County’s 24th TreeFest postponed
The effort to help area homeowners rebuild the tree population wiped out by hurricanes Bertha and Fran is set for Jan. 14-15 at Independence Mall.
Commission to vote on permanent wetland protection rules
The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission is set to meet Wednesday and Thursday via remote access.
Groups: New Hanover development request ‘sheer folly’
Approval of the requested development ordinance text amendment could clear the way for construction of high-rise condominiums on a flood-prone 8-acre parcel near the Battleship North Carolina that a coalition of six organizations says would destroy habitat and areas of historic and cultural significance.
Wildlife Commission rule changes virtual hearing Jan. 20
The public hearing is to review the 2022-2023 proposed regulation changes to inland fishing, hunting, trapping, game lands and other regulated activities.
Summer selected to lead Land and Water Fund, Division
Summer has for the past seven months served as interim director of the N.C. Division of Land and Water Stewardship.
Southern Shores to push mid-Currituck bridge project
Southern Shores town council is taking some short-term steps to push along the proposed mid-Currituck bridge, which has been the held up in a yearslong legal battle.