Guest columnist R. Bruce Holsten writes that market conditions, inherent risks and other business-related factors make Atlantic offshore exploration and drilling an unwise investment.
Guest Columns
Improving NC’s Floodplain Buyout Program
David Salvesen and Todd K. BenDor of UNC-Chapel Hill explain in today’s guest commentary their research on identifying ways to improve the floodplain buyout process in North Carolina.
Op-Ed: Connecting Climate Change, Storms
Environmental journalist Miles O’Brien has partnered with Clean Air Carolina to present a short film series Sept. 27 in Durham on the impact of climate change on North Carolina.
Rebuild the Red Wolf Recovery Effort
Guest columnist Christian Hunt of Defenders of Wildlife writes that a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to reduce the Red Wolf Recovery Program’s territory will lead to the species’ extinction in the wild.
In Memoriam: Bob Simpson, 1925-2018
This week marks a month since the death of Bob Simpson, a writer, seasoned waterman, advocate for the creation of the Cape Lookout National Seashore and longtime owner of possibly the oldest fishing boat on the N.C. coast.
Guest Column: Wrapped In a Sea of Plastic
Plastic, a useful product that’s part of our everyday lives, is taking its toll on our environment and our health, as guest columnist Kathleen Rogers explains.
Guest Column: Cooper’s Missed Opportunity
David McGowan, director of the N.C. Petroleum Council, says Gov. Roy Cooper’s decision to oppose seismic research and offshore drilling was a missed opportunity to play a constructive role in the debate.
Business View: ‘No Good Reason For Drilling’
Guest columnist Tom Kies of the Carteret County Chamber of Commerce and the Business Alliance to Protect the Atlantic Coast challenges the reasons given for drilling off North Carolina’s coast.
NC Missing at New York’s Billion Oyster Party
Guest columnist Tom Looney recently attended a celebration of oysters in New York, noting North Carolina’s absence despite being ideally positioned to compete in the growing shellfish aquaculture market.
Guest Column: A River Brings Folks Together
A recent event held to celebrate and inform on efforts to protect and restore the Cape Fear River, the ninth annual StriperFest brought together people of different backgrounds and political affiliations.
Guest Column: Cypress Trees as Sentinels
Marcelo Ardón of N.C. State says cypress trees can serve as sentinels of North Carolina’s coastal sounds, and the public can help in discovering what these trees can tell us about the effects of sea-level rise and other changes.
Guest Column: Costly Catfish Trade Barrier
North Carolina seafood dealer Justin Conrad says a federal program created under the guise of improving food safety is nothing more than a trade barrier to imported catfish, one that also puts the state’s agriculture-export business at risk.
Guest Column: Seismic Tests Won’t Harm Fish
The president of the only trade group for companies and people involved in seismic testing for oil and natural gas says there’s no evidence that the tests harm fish as some environmental groups now claim.
Guest Column: Hottest Year Chills Claim
2015 goes down as the hottest year in recorded history, blowing away the previous record and the claim that climate change has leveled off since the late 1990s.
Guest Column: Seismic Tests Critical
Donald R. van der Vaart, the secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, responds to congressmen who oppose proposed seismic tests off North Carolina.
Guest Column: The State of Predators
Sharks splashed across headlines this summer but not reported is that many shark species are near extinction and that could upset entire marine ecosystems.