The Coastal Studies Institute in Wanchese is set to host an open house Jan. 20, when visitors can learn about current research and education programs, take part in family-friendly activities and interact with faculty and staff.
Florida Pulled From Offshore Drilling Proposal
Florida is no longer being considered for offshore gas and oil drilling, the Interior Department announced Tuesday, after Gov. Rick Scott, who fiercely opposed the plan to drill off the state’s coast, met with Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Members Sought for Coastal Committees
Residents and community group representatives interested in serving on the North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve local advisory committees may submit applications Jan. 5 to Feb. 8.
BOEM Releases Plan for Offshore Drilling
The Interior Department announced Thursday the draft five-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, which would expand oil and gas exploration and drilling in U.S. waters.
Steve Murphey Named Fisheries Director
Steve Murphey has been named director of Division of Marine Fisheries and acting director Braxton Davis has returned to his primary role as director of Division of Coastal Management.
Officials Seek More Detail On Seismic Testing
The N.C. Division of Coastal Management asked survey companies to submit more information on potential effects of seismic testing after new studies raise additional concerns for marine fisheries.
Waterkeeper to Host Informational Meeting
The Crystal Coast Waterkeeper program is set to host an evening of education, information and visioning for area watersheds Jan. 18 in Morehead City.
Flooding Survey Open to Currituck Residents
Currituck County residents and property owners are asked to participate in an online survey regarding flooding, part of a Duke graduate student’s research on history and perceived risks.
Jones Reintroduces N. Topsail Beach Bill
Rep. Walter Jones has reintroduced a bill to revise federal mapping from the early 1980s that restricted much of North Topsail Beach from access to federal flood insurance.
Audubon Announces Bird Conservation Work
Thanks to funding from the Orton Foundation, Audubon North Carolina will be managing eight sanctuary islands in Brunswick County, benefiting over 50,000 birds and thousands of hatchlings in the coming year.
Updated: More Cold-Stunned Sea Turtles
North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island officials announced Monday that 76 more cold-stunned sea turtles had been admitted the aquarium’s Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation Center since its Thursday announcement, making the total 96.
Wright Brothers Memorial Sets Six Free Days
Throughout 2018, there will be six opportunities to visit the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills at no charge.
World Bank To Halt Oil Development Loans
World Bank Group announced Tuesday during the One Planet Summit in Paris that it would no longer finance upstream oil and gas, or the component of the petroleum industry that finds and produces crude oil and natural gas.
Brunswick To Continue Cooking Oil Collection
Brunswick County plans to continue collecting used cooking oil at the six disposal sites in the county and is seeking proposals from businesses to provide the service.
Hammocks Beach Master Plan Released
After two years of discussion, the master plan for Hammocks Beach State Park 290-acre mainland area was released Tuesday by North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation.
DOE Marks $18.5M For Offshore Wind Study
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced Tuesday that the Department of Energy will provide $18.5 million for offshore wind research, specific to the United States, with the goal to reduce the cost.