Adults with disabilities or those 60 and older can sign up for assistance through Operation Fan Heat Relief May 1 through Oct. 31.
Measure would order restored protection for Jockey’s Ridge
Sen. Bobby Hanig has proposed language that would direct the Coastal Resources Commission to implement its longstanding rule protecting Jockey’s Ridge until the commission can adopt a permanent rule that again defines the massive dune as an area of environmental concern.
Corps says it will remove pipe, test soil at Buxton for fuel
The Corps of Engineers announced Monday that the Savanah District Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, program will remove a pipe and sample soil from Buxton Beach to determine if it is the potential source of petroleum fumes and sheens.
State wildlife officials seek public input on sea turtle plan
The deadline is May 24 to submit comments to the Wildlife Resources Commission about the proposed sea turtle conservation plan.
Kayaking course to launch National Safe Boating week
N.C. State Parks, the American Canoe Association and the Coast Guard Auxiliary are combining efforts to offer “Kayaking 101” at total of 15 sites statewide.
Fish, Wildlife Service reveals project plans for $27.25M
The nature-based solutions announced Thursday for nine refuges and game lands in the Albemarle-Pamlico region include shoreline protection, improvements to water quality, climate resiliency, and wetland impoundment upgrades.
Science panel to resume Inlet Hazard Area review
The advisory panel to the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission will continue its review of proposed updated inlet hazard area boundaries along the coast.
Agency designates PFOA, PFOS as ‘hazardous substances’
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday that PFOA and PFOS meet the criteria to be designated as hazardous substances.
CRC to consider variances, hear rulemaking update
The public can attend in person the Coastal Resources Commission meeting April 24 and April 25 in Manteo, or view online.
Pine Knoll Shores aquarium to kick off Party for the Planet
The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores will kick off its Party for the Planet event series Monday.
Firm to start driving test piles for new Alligator River bridge
The North Carolina Department of Transportation says the New York-based contractor’s work will help determine best methods to build the replacement bridge .
Sturgeon City plans spate of activities to mark Earth Day ’24
There will be food trucks, activities, games and opportunities to learn Saturday during the Sturgeon City Environmental Education Center’s Earth Day celebration.
Topsail museum to unveil Ocean City history exhibit
“Ocean City Beach,” a new exhibit in the Missiles and More Museum in Topsail Beach, will be presented Saturday during an open-house event.
Roanoke River refuge gets federal support to expand
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released plan to conserve up to 287,000 acres of floodplain habitat along the Roanoke River.
Sunset Beach to hold annual Earth Day, Arbor Day event
The Sunset Beach Environmental Resource Committee is hosting the program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at the town park.
Annual Earth Day cleanup at Southern Shores this weekend
Volunteers are needed for the three-day cleanup that will focus on different areas in town.