Work going on at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems is focused on sustainable agriculture, including a project to show how hogs can be raised without antibiotics and without storing their waste in troublesome open-air lagoons.
Opponents Applaud Drilling Decision
Many on the N.C. coast applauded the announcement Tuesday that the federal government has taken Atlantic offshore waters off the list of proposed leasing areas for oil and natural gas drilling.
Experts Weigh In On Figure 8’s Groin Plan
Coastal geologists, environmental groups and others came together recently to discuss Figure Eight Island’s plans for a terminal groin to fight erosion, but the opposing sides in the debate didn’t get any closer to a consensus.
Grant to Fund Gullah Geechee Preservation
The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation has awarded a $25,000 grant to the N.C. Coastal Land Trust and the town of Navassa to develop plans to conserve Gullah Geechee heritage.
Bond Includes $11 Million for Coastal Parks
Voters on Tuesday will consider a $2 billion bond package that includes money for 45 projects in the 41 state parks. Campground improvements, land acquisitions, visitors’ centers and boat ramps are some of the projects at coastal parks.
Opponents Celebrate Titan Decision
Longtime opponents cheered Titan America’s announcement yesterday that the company was dropping its controversial plans for a cement plant near Wilmington but the news was a disappointment for those who saw the project as needed economic investment.
Historic Building Sprouts A Green Roof
A 1950’s era building in downtown Wilmington is getting a lot of oohs ad aahs after New Hanover County redesigned it into a modern office space that incorporates numerous energy-saving and sustainability features, including a planted roof that reduces stormwater runoff.
McCrory: New Bridge Meaningful for Dare
Gov. Pat McCrory, during a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday, talks about the importance of the long-awaited replacement for the aging Bonner Bridge for the livelihood and safety of Dare County residents.
Growing Oysters Virginia Style
North Carolina’s moribound oyster farming program could use a a new lease on life, many say. They look to emulate Virginia, where the recent explosive growth in shellfish leasing has led to a booming industry.
N.C. Researchers Find Civil War-Era Shipwreck
State underwater archaeologists and researchers recently discovered off Oak Island the wreck of what may be one of three blockade runners used to penetrate the wall of Union naval vessels blocking the port of Wilmington during the Civil War.
Fisheries Chief’s Exit Remains Unexplained
N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries director Louis Daniel’s recent resignation remains unexplained, but elected officials had raised issues of fairness and transparency.
State Lawmakers Will Talk About Oysters
A state legislative committee, meeting Tuesday in Wilmington, will get its first look at studies ordered by the N.C. General Assembly last year to bolster the state’s oyster industry. Today, we detail the reports. Tuesday, we look at what Virginia has done with its industry.
Agreement Leads to Flap Over Lake Levels
A recent deal between federal and state officials to co-manage the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge has prompted worries that water levels in the state’s largest lake will be raised, driving away waterfowl and flooding adjacent lands.
State Hiring Entomologists to Prepare for Zika
The state is hiring two medical entomologists to study disease-carrying mosquitoes in North Carolina and prepare to fight the potential spread of the Zika virus.
North Topsail Must Remove Rocks by May
State and federal wildlife officials say North Topsail Beach must remove the rocks pumped onto its beach during a 2015 renourishment project by May, when sea turtle nesting season begins, but discussions continue over how deep to dig.
Our Celestial Coast: Jupiter’s Evening Display
Venus, Saturn and Mars will be visible in the pre-dawn skies during March but Jupiter, at its closest to Earth, will be on full display for evening stargazers this month.