No one will say where the idea started but a planned motorboat launch at Hammocks Beach State Park has park staff and many in the community worried about the effects.
Our Coast’s Food: Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry shortcake means different things to different people. A tender, split biscuit layered with sugar-macerated berries and fluffy whipped cream is recognized as the traditional version. But they come in many varieties.
Ocean Sciences Bowl Winners Announced
Two dozen teams from across the country competed this past weekend in the 19th annual National Ocean Sciences Bowl national finals in Morehead City.
Across N.C.: Pigs Gone Wild
State veterinarians and wildlife and agriculture officials are worried that feral swine are a health risk for both livestock and humans.
Senate Bill Calls for Seismic Moratorium
A new U.S. Senate bill, the Atlantic Seismic Airgun Protection Act, would create a moratorium on seismic exploration for oil and natural gas off the East Coast.
Lawmakers: Beaches Need More Money
State lawmakers may move to tap a bigger share of local occupancy taxes to pay for beach renourishment projects during the legislative session that begins Monday.
Coastal Plain Is One of World’s “Bio” Hotspots
Those of us who live on or visit the N.C. coast know how special it is, but we’re also part of a larger region now recognized by an international environmental group as one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth.
Andrew Read Named Marine Lab Director
Professor Andrew Read has been named director of the Duke University Marine Laboratory on Pivers Island in Beaufort effective July 1.
Bills to Weaken Protections Are Ready
A legislative committee that is the gatekeeper for new environmental bills is ready with measures that weaken stormwater regulations and stream protections. The new session of the N.C. General Assembly starts next week.
Davis to Head Fisheries, Coastal Management
Braxton Davis, director of the state Division of Coastal Management, has been picked to also lead the state’s Division of Marine Fisheries,
Groups Worry Seismic Tests Will Happen
Despite the recent announcement that plans to drill for oil and natural gas off the N.C. coast will not move forward during the next five years, several firms continue to seek federal permits for seismic exploration in the Atlantic.
Coastal Author Peter Meyer Dies at 63
Peter Meyer, a self-described inquisitive coastal naturalist and author of “Nature Guide to the Carolina Coast: Common Birds, Crabs, Shells, Fish, and other Entities of the Coastal Environment,” has died.
Coastal Sketch: Kathleen Riely
Meet Kathleen Riely, a passionate advocate for coastal issues who was recently named executive director of the N.C. Beach, Inlet and Waterway Association.
Land Disputes Stall Sunset Beach Projects
A developer’s plans for residential projects at both ends of Sunset Beach in Brunswick County are in limbo over questions regarding ownership of the some of the land.
Legal Battle Over Titan’s Air Permit Ends
The four-year legal battle over air pollution from Titan America’s proposed cement plant in New Hanover County is over now that the company has requested cancellation of the air-quality permit and opponents have dropped their appeal.
Sam’s Field Notes: Painted Buntings
Birdwatchers on the N.C. coast love this time of year because it brings the arrival of one of their favorites, the strikingly colorful painted bunting,