The Interior Department announced Thursday the draft five-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, which would expand oil and gas exploration and drilling in U.S. waters.
Steve Murphey Named Fisheries Director
Steve Murphey has been named director of Division of Marine Fisheries and acting director Braxton Davis has returned to his primary role as director of Division of Coastal Management.
Camp Lejeune Focus of 10-Year Study
Researchers studied the complex ecosystems of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune as part of a 10-year study that wrapped up in October to better understand coastal and estuarine ecosystems in a military training environment.
Judge Vacates Mining Firm’s Discharge Permit
After a six-year battle by the community and conservation groups, a judge has vacated a state water quality permit that would have allowed dumping of 12 million gallons of wastewater a day into Blounts Creek.
Birds of Ocracoke: The Snow Bunting
Peter Vankevich with the Ocracoke Observer fills readers in on the habits of snow buntings, migratory birds most likely to be seen on the upper Outer Banks from late October into March.
State’s Changes, Challenges to Continue
This year saw changes in the state and federal government that will likely shape environmental policy in the coming year.
Newspaper Archives: The Turpentine State
North Carolina historian David Cecelski discusses how the British press covered North Carolina in the 18th and 19th centuries, and their focus on the vital products of its vast pine forests.
Officials Seek More Detail On Seismic Testing
The N.C. Division of Coastal Management asked survey companies to submit more information on potential effects of seismic testing after new studies raise additional concerns for marine fisheries.
Waterkeeper to Host Informational Meeting
The Crystal Coast Waterkeeper program is set to host an evening of education, information and visioning for area watersheds Jan. 18 in Morehead City.
N. Topsail Manager: Avoid Rocky Sand Site
North Topsail Beach’s outgoing manager stressed to town aldermen that pumping sand from the offshore borrow site the Onslow County town is permitted to use could get expensive … again.
Flooding Survey Open to Currituck Residents
Currituck County residents and property owners are asked to participate in an online survey regarding flooding, part of a Duke graduate student’s research on history and perceived risks.
Jones Reintroduces N. Topsail Beach Bill
Rep. Walter Jones has reintroduced a bill to revise federal mapping from the early 1980s that restricted much of North Topsail Beach from access to federal flood insurance.
Birth of Two Inlets: Accounts of 1846 Storm
Firsthand accounts provide vivid detail of the deadly storm in September 1846 that created Oregon and Hatteras inlets and brought dramatic changes to North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
Audubon Announces Bird Conservation Work
Thanks to funding from the Orton Foundation, Audubon North Carolina will be managing eight sanctuary islands in Brunswick County, benefiting over 50,000 birds and thousands of hatchlings in the coming year.
Biologist on GenX Health Effects: ‘It’s Toxic’
Although little is known about the extent of health effects of the GenX compound in the region’s drinking water, biologist Larry Cahoon wants to dispel any notions that it’s harmless.
Soaking In: Special Pavement Reduces Runoff
Pavement that allows stormwater to seep into the ground is key to a parking lot retrofit project to protect water quality at popular recreation sites in Wrightsville Beach.