Cape Hatteras National Seashore over the next two months will undergo four storm-related repair projects including the boat docks on Ocracoke, parking lot repair in Buxton, dune restoration and road repair.
Expiring IHAs Can’t Be Renewed: Filing
Government lawyers acknowledged Thursday that there’s no mechanism for extending seismic firms’ federal marine mammal incidental harassment authorizations that expire Nov. 30.
Fisheries Rule Change Comment Period Open
The Marine Fisheries Commission will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments and readoption of 50 rules under a state-mandated periodic review schedule.
Lookout Closer to Becoming Dark Sky Park
Cape Lookout National Seashore rangers and Crystal Coast Stargazers Club members are chipping away at the yearlong application process for designation as an International Dark Sky Park.
Hertford Board to Consider Solar Moratorium
The Hertford County Board of Commissioners is holding a public hearing Monday to consider a proposed moratorium on solar farm development.
Corps Asks State to Eliminate Dredge Window
The Corps says eliminating the environmental limit on when hopper dredging of federal channels is allowed at North Carolina ports would save millions of dollars.
PFAS in NC Waters Virtual Forum Oct. 22
The North Carolina Coastal Federation, PFAST Network, NCDEQ and Cape Fear Public Utility Authority are hosting a free, online forum, “Emerging Contaminants in North Carolina Waters” at 10 a.m. Oct. 22.
Greenfield Lake Possible NCSU Research Site
North Carolina State University is looking at Wilmington’s Greenfield Lake for a state-funded ‘floating wetland islands’ project.
Pender County Shellfish Leases Hearing Set
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries is holding a public hearing at 6 p.m. Oct. 28 on five proposed shellfish leases in Pender County.
Carteret Strikes Its Down East Buffer Rule
Carteret County commissioners last week voted unanimously to remove an extra layer of water quality protection that has been in place for a decade in the part of the county known as Down East.
Cape Fear Lifesavers’ Daring 1893 Rescue
The second in a two-part series by author Kevin Duffus takes readers along with the Cape Fear lifesavers to save the crew from the wreckage of the Charles C. Dame on Frying Pan Shoals.
Dredging Near Ocracoke Village Underway
Dredging in Big Foot Slough in Pamlico Sound began Wednesday to make traveling between Ocracoke and Cedar Island and Swan Quarter safer for larger vessels.
Trump Confirms NC, Va Drilling Moratorium
President Trump on Friday announced that he is extending the moratorium on offshore drilling to North Carolina and Virginia during a campaign rally in Newport News, Virginia.
Saving the Crew of the Charles C. Dame
Author Kevin Duffus takes readers to the 1890s in this two-part series that looks at the U.S. Life-Saving Service and the daring rescues during dangerous storms by its crews on the North Carolina coast.
NC Water, Land Projects Awarded $14.6M
North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund awarded $14.6 million to 39 projects to protect the state’s land and water, including projects on the coast.
Join Fort Fisher for Halloween-Themed Trivia
N.C. Aquarium at Fort Fisher is calling those 21 and older to log on Oct. 15 for a virtual Halloween-inspired game night.