Environmentalist cheer the listing of the Atlantic sturgeon as an endangered species while state officials worry about the restrictions that will follow.
News & Features
Atlantic Sturgeon: Protecting an Ancient Giant
Once abundant in North Carolina, this primitive fish whose ancestors swam among dinosaurs will be added to the federal Endangered Species List Friday, causing consternation and joy.
New Wind Guidelines Meant to Protect Birds
The developers of a controversial wind farm in Beaufort County say they intend to follow the new federal standards to protect migrating waterfowl.
Complicated Road Project Faces Many Hurdles
The draft environmental impact statement for the proposed widening of U.S. 64 in Tyrrell and Dare counties contains 19 alternatives and describes numerous conflicts and tradeoffs.
Road Project Threatens Community in Dare
As the residents of East Lake see it, the last leg of the proposed U.S 64 widening project is threatening to all but wipe their little community off the map, and they say there’s not even a good reason for it.
Coastal Policy to Remain Intact… for Now
State Senate Majority Leader Harry Brown, a Jacksonville Republican and co-chair of the committee that’s reviewing state regulations, said he doesn’t expect any quick changes to coastal policy.
Regulatory ‘Reform’ Starts to Take Shape
One person’s regulatory “burden” is often another’s protection. Striking the balance between the two is often difficult. North Carolina’s recent push to “reform” its regulations and rule-making processes is proving especially so.
College Students Take Their Break With Us
Instead of frosty cocktails and sunny beaches, these college kids chose oyster shells and rain gardens for their spring break.
North River Farms: Making the Land Work Again
The N.C. Coastal Federation and a dizzying array of partners are restoring wetlands on thousands of acres of ditched and drained farm land in eastern Carteret County.
Doctors Warn About Gutting State Air Program
The legislature’s “reckless attack” on the program to protect people from toxic emissions, they say, would end with more sick North Carolinians.
State’s Toxic Air Program Threatened
Industry is pushing legislators to drastically modify a state program that protects people from toxic air emissions.
30 Years of Protecting the Coast
The N.C. Coastal Federation marks its 30th anniversary this year with a documentary that celebrates the ordinary people who saved extraordinary places.
Restoration Is Good for Business
A landmark report on conserving our coastal habitats gives those who preserve coasts and estuaries a new argument: It’s good for the economy.
Warning: May Cause Toe Tapping
A coastal high school jazz band is joining the North Carolina’s legendary Red Clay Ramblers for a concert that is sure to be an audience pleaser.
Major Restoration Project Takes Shape in Hyde
Farmers in Hyde County are joining environmentalists to in a massive effort to improve water quality and hydrology, protect wetlands and create shorebird habitat.
Restoring the Land and Water of Pamlico Sound
An unlikely alliance of farmers and environmentalists is working to restore the hydrology of Hyde County and to make Pamlico Sound more hospitable for oysters.