A North Carolina Highway Historical Marker is to be erected in recognition of civil rights attorney, the late James Walker Jr., in his hometown of Ahoskie.
State seeks feedback on proposed conservation access pass
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission is proposing to implement a pass program for non-licensed hunters, fishers and trappers to access state game lands, boating accesses and shooting ranges.
Registration open for 2025 Coastal Summit in Raleigh
Register now for the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s 2025 Coastal Summit taking place April 8-9 in downtown Raleigh.
Commission proposes recreational spotted trout closure
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission is proposing to temporarily close recreational harvest of spotted seatrout between May and mid-June in inland and joint waters.
State Water Infrastructure Authority to meet Feb. 19
The independent authority responsible for awarding federal and state funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects is set to meet next week.
State Energy Office seeks feedback on lowering emissions
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s State Energy Office will be taking suggestions in a series of public meetings to discuss how the state can further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Fort Raleigh reschedules shoreline stabilization meeting
Like the meeting originally planned for Jan. 23, which was postponed because of winter weather conditions, the Feb. 12 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in Fort Raleigh’s visitor center in Manteo, National Park Service officials announced Wednesday.
Ocean City Community Beach talk, lunch set for Feb. 13
The Historical Society of Topsail Island has invited Kenneth Chestnut to speak Feb. 13 about “Ocean City Community Beach, NC Past and Present” at its next Luncheon and Lecture program.
Adaptation planning class set for April at NOAA Beaufort lab
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration staff have scheduled the daylong “Adaptation Planning for Coastal Communities” for April 2.
Corps to host informational meeting on harbor project
The U.S. Army Corps’ Wilmington District is hosting a meeting this month to update the public on the conditionally authorized harbor project at the Wilmington port.
Brunswick’s PFAS treatment system to launch this spring
Brunswick County officials say upgrades and expansion of the public utilities’ Northwest Water Treatment Plant are now 85% complete.
Volunteers ready for April 12 Currituck flower, garden show
The Currituck Home, Flower, and Garden Show is set for Saturday, April 12, at the N.C. Cooperative Extension Currituck Center in Barco.
NCDOT Ferry Division to begin recruiting with career fairs
The state-run ferry system is hosting its first of five career fairs 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, on Ocracoke Island.
Land trust, Windsor conserve 314-acre Hoggard Mill tract
The North Carolina Coastal Land Trust has transferred to the town the site that includes what is believed to be the first millpond built in the state.
Proposed mid-Currituck bridge public hearing Feb. 27
The Division of Water Resources will accept public comment until March 31 on proposed impacts to wetlands associated with the proposed mid-Currituck bridge project.
Fort Anderson to mark anniversary of capture by US forces
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site in Winnabow is offering a day of living history at no charge and a ticketed nighttime reenactment of the 1865 bombardment and evacuation of the fort.