Interior Secretary David Bernhardt says the administration is putting on hold drilling plans for the Atlantic pending appeals of a court order blocking offshore drilling in the Arctic.
SELC Lawsuit Challenges Mid-Currituck Bridge
The Southern Environmental Law Center, on behalf of northern Outer Banks residents and the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, has filed a lawsuit against the state to block construction of the proposed Mid-Currituck Bridge.
View of Home
NASA astronaut Christina H. Koch, who was raised in Jacksonville, shared Monday on Twitter a photo she took of coastal North Carolina from the International Space Station. “It took my breath away as it came into focus. My first glimpse of coastal North Carolina from space. It’s a special thing to see from above the place where you grew up — the ocean that first inspired my fascination with things that make me feel small & planted the seed to explore,” she wrote.
Climate Resiliency Conference May 23
Speakers will present a range of information on climate-related issues during the Cape Fear River Assembly’s 46th annual conference May 23, Climate Resiliency: Are You Ready?, in The Frontier in Research Triangle Park.
CRC Opposes Offshore Exploration, Drilling
By a unanimous vote Thursday, the state Coastal Resources Commission passed a resolution opposing offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling off North Carolina.
New Report Finds Offshore Drilling still ‘Dirty’
A new Oceana report released Thursday finds that offshore drilling is “still dirty and dangerous Nine Years After Devastating BP Disaster,” and expresses concerns over the Trump Administration’s proposed safety rollbacks.
SC Senate Moves to Block Funds for Drilling
By a large margin, the S.C. Senate has passed a budget proviso to prohibit the use of any state funds to facilitate onshore infrastructure for offshore oil.
Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Meeting Set
The steering committee for the state Coastal Habitat Protection Plan, which addresses habitat and water quality efforts needed to protect, enhance and restore fish habitat, will meet April 23 in Washington.
Climate Change Council to Meet April 26
The North Carolina Climate Change Interagency Council is set to discuss development of a state climate risk assessment during its third meeting April 26 in Raleigh.
State Files Comments on WOTUS Rule
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality and N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein have submitted comments in opposition to the proposed federal rule revising the definition of “waters of the United States.”
Wind Creates Pedestals at Cape Lookout
Cape Lookout National Seashore posted on Facebook Sunday a cluster of sand pedestals, which were created by strong easterly winds that blew loose sand away from the hardened, wind-resistant sections of the beach, on the north end of North Core Banks.
Hatteras ORV Accesses Close For Summer
The seasonal off-road vehicle access for beaches in front of the villages of Hatteras Island closed Monday for the summer season.
Grant to Expand Services for Storm Victims
Twenty-eight North Carolina counties will get funds from a $12.2 million grant to expand crisis counseling services for Hurricane Florence survivors.
Moores Creek Gets New Superintendent
Matthew Woods, a former high school history teacher, is set to begin serving Sunday as superintendent of Moores Creek National Battlefield in Pender County.
Oak Island Bridge Reopens After Repairs
The Oak Island Bridge reopened Friday after being closed to traffic for six months for preservation work on the structure built in 1972.
State Staff Cleans up Carrot Island
North Carolina Divisions of Marine Fisheries and Air Quality employees Wednesday afternoon collected 1,500 pounds of debris on Carrot Island, part of the Rachel Carson Reserve in Beaufort. The cleanup was held in recognition of National Volunteer Week and Earth Month.