Members of a Russian environmental group recently visited Carteret and Dare counties. They helped build oyster reefs and restore salt marshes, and government agents didn’t tap their phones, follow them around or threaten them with jail.
Our Celestial Coast: Planets, Meteor Showers
July will begin with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn all prominent in the evening sky and will end with two meteor showers, the Delta Aquairids and the Perseids.
Morning Nectar
A Palamedes swallowtail butterfly (Papilio palamedes) extends its proboscis to feed on nectar in lantana blooms near the Croatan National Forest in Carteret County. Photo: Mark Hibbs
Coastal Cookbooks You Must Have
Our food writer Liz Biro picks the books that help tell the story of Eastern North Carolina cooking. They are essential reading for anyone who loves our coast, she writes.
Sunset Beach De-Annex Bill Fails to Survive
A controversial bill to remove three properties from Sunset Beach’s town limits couldn’t make it out of a state House committee. Meanwhile, legislators are trying to hammer out yet another bill to weaken rules before they go home for good.
Climb Lookout Light This Sunday
Visitors to the Cape Lookout National Seashore this weekend will have the opportunity to climb the lighthouse, one of only four chances this year to do so on a Sunday. Photo: Sam Bland
Corps Issues Final Study on Figure Eight Groin
The Army Corps of Engineers has released its final environmental study on Figure Eight Island’s proposed terminal groin project, and island homeowners have applied for a permit to build the structure at Rich Inlet.
Whitehead Named to Climate Change Panel
Jessica Whitehead, North Carolina Sea Grant coastal communities hazards adaptation specialist, has been named to a newly created 15-member panel formed to advise federal officials on how to respond to the effects of climate change.
North Topsail Asks for Sand Tube Extension
For the second time in less than a year, North Topsail Beach will ask for more time to remove an illegal portion of a sand bag wall it built in 2014 at New River Inlet. Now, the town wants six more years.
Budget Marks $1.4 Million for Oyster Work
Coastal advocates and shellfish growers say communities in the east will benefit from funding for oyster sanctuaries and restoration projects included in the state budget compromise announced this week.
Not All Happy With Proposed N.C. 12 Bridge
Holding signs and chanting “Save our Sounds,” a small group of Hatteras Island property owners protested against a projected bridge that they say will hurt property values, livelihoods and lifestyles.
Guest Column: Seismic Tests Won’t Harm Fish
The president of the only trade group for companies and people involved in seismic testing for oil and natural gas says there’s no evidence that the tests harm fish as some environmental groups now claim.
Critics Charge an Ill Wind Blows From Raleigh
Supporters say a bill passed Monday by the state Senate will protect vital military air space from land-based wind farms, while opponents charge it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and is intended to kill wind energy.
Report Highlights Benefits of Riparian Buffers
A new report highlighting the role of riparian buffers in preventing fish kills comes as North Carolina lawmakers consider scrapping rules that require the protections.
Scientists Find Cancer in Shellfish
Scientists have discovered an infectious form of cancer in clams, but not harmful to humans, adding to the growing number species that have contagious forms of cancer.
Maps Show Undisclosed Animal Operations
Maps released by environmental groups show the location of over 6,500 concentrated animal feeding operations known to be a public health and environmental hazard.