The Corps of Engineers published Thursday its final environmental review and findings that green-light the elimination of the environmental window for state port harbor dredging.
2021 Ozone Season Has Begun
Daily air quality forecasts from the N.C. Division of Air Quality include statewide forecasts for ozone, as well as the year-round forecasts for fine particle pollution.
Avon Nourishment Could Cost Residents Less
Residents could pay less in taxes than initially thought to fund the Avon Beach Nourishment project if approved.
Wright Memorial to Get Outdoor Upgrades
A new plan aims to improve the outdoor visitor experience at the Wright Brothers National Memorial, which has not changed much since 1960.
Park Service Sees Record Visits in January
More visitors flocked to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore and Wright Brothers National Memorial during January than in any other January on record.
Whitehead to Lead ODU Climate Program
Jessica Whitehead, former N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency chief resilience officer, has been named the Joan P. Brock Endowed executive director of the Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience at Old Dominion University.
Cape Fear Museum Honors Women’s History
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science in Wilmington and Smithsonian Affiliations will present a monthlong Women’s History Virtual Scholar Talk Series every Wednesday through the March.
Marc Basnight Bridge Inspection Begins
There will be lane closures during the week March 1-18 while contractors conduct a routine condition inspection of the Marc Basnight Bridge.
Coastal Review Wins 9 NC Press Awards
The North Carolina Press Association recognized Coastal Review Online Friday with nine awards, including four first-place honors.
NC Charts New Course on Climate Change
With a shift in public perception and a statewide plan for climate resilience, efforts to shape policy and protect vulnerable communities still face challenges.
Two Southeast NC Bridges to be Repaired
Crews may begin work as early as late March and are expected to be complete by October on work to extend the life of two bridges in Pender and Duplin counties.
NCDOT Inspects Basnight Bridge with Drone
The Marc Basnight Bridge over Oregon Inlet is the first bridge in the state that the N.C. Department of Transportation has inspected using a drone.
Coastal Airports Approved for Funding
The state Board of Transportation has approved three coastal airports to receive state and federal grants for safety and airfield improvement projects.
Cape Fear Museum Highlights Global Water
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science in Wilmington is hosting “H2O Today,” a Smithsonian exhibit that looks at challenges related to global water sources.
Scramble On For New Hanover Sand Money
A month after learning that no federal dollars were appropriated for New Hanover County beach nourishment in the Corps’ 2021 work plan, officials are still pushing for funding.
Group Presents Energy Reform Ideas
A stakeholder group presented Wednesday to the state Climate Change Interagency Council a number of electricity reform recommendations for achieving clean energy goals.