Our reporter ends her jaunt along the northern coast after hearing all sides of the offshore drilling debate.
offshore drilling
Forum: Offshore Oil and the N.C. Coast
The N.C. Coastal Federation will host experts and area residents for a forum, Shaping our Economic Future: Offshore Drilling in N.C., July 31 in New Bern.
Potential for Disaster: Our Coast at Risk
The BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 was the worst oil spill in history with lingering effects on the Gulf Coast, but what if it were to happen here?
Offshore Permitting: Long, Winding Road
The move to drill for oil or natural gas off the N.C. coast has begun but a number of environmental studies and opportunities for public involvement remain.
An Offshore Timeline
In general, it can can take anywhere from seven to 10 years from purchase of the lease to the first production for an offshore well in areas that have existing infrastructure.
Dashed Hopes and Dry Holes
The history of oil drilling off the East Coast and in North Carolina has been one of dashed hopes and dry holes.
A Very Brief History of Offshore Drilling
Important dates in offshore drilling history.
Offshore Drilling Series Begins
This is the first of more than 40 stories that we will publish over the next two months on offshore drilling and its potential effects on the N.C. coast.
Commentary: Rolling the Dice Offshore
North Carolina has one of healthiest coastal ecosystems in the country. It will be at risk, Todd Miller warns, if the oil industry sets up shop offshore.
Opinions Split on Offshore Seismic Testing
Gov. Pat McCrory welcomed a new federal environmental review that opens the N.C. coast to seismic testing for oil and natural gas, but a number of groups and hundreds people at town meetings disagree.
Testing for Offshore Drilling Sets Off Debate
Kure Beach’s endorsement of seismic testing for offshore oil and natural gas has sparked a debate about the effects of such tests on marine mammals.
Legislature Tips Its Hand on Offshore Drilling
Fracking was the energy issue of the last session of the General Assembly, but that doesn’t mean that the pro-drilling legislature has forgotten about offshore.