The project will be the second Pamlico River reef project for the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, the Coastal Conservation Association of North Carolina and Raleigh-based Natrx in the last 16 months.
Atlantic States Fisheries Commission to hold yearly meeting
The four-day meeting for the commission that regulates fisheries that migrate between state waters along the East Coast is scheduled for Oct. 16-19 at Beaufort Hotel in Beaufort.
MFC committee to name candidates for fishery councils
The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Nominating Committee meets Oct. 9 to select candidates for at-large seats on the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
State asks public to report any blue land crab sightings
Biologists are asking the public to report any sightings of blue land crabs, a nonnative species that looks like an enormous fiddler crab.
Marine Fisheries Commission seeks to fill advisory seats
The Marine Fisheries Commission chairman appoints members to the advisory committees for three-year terms, and several terms will expire in January.
Attention NC seafood consumers: Consider the source
Proposed legislation, lawsuits, petitions, and other drastic efforts have been attempted that would deny coastal North Carolinians access to local seafood.
Edenton culvert upgrade to open up habitat for river herring
Funds from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will go to replace a culvert over an Edenton creek that will allow river herring to reach important spawning ground.
EMC to hear Coastal Habitat Protection Plan presentation
The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission meets Sept. 13-14 at Carteret Community College in Morehead City.
Division seeks comment on proposed oyster, clam plans
Division of Marine Fisheries officials are holding public meetings and accepting comments Sept. 11-22 on potential management strategies for the eastern oyster and hard clam.
State announces commercial estuarine flounder season
N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries officials announced Tuesday this year’s commercial estuarine flounder season dates by area and gear.
Court upholds that trawling doesn’t violate Clean Water Act
Federal court judges upheld last week a 2021 district court decision that commercial shrimpers can continue to harvest by trawler in the Pamlico Sound without a Clean Water Act permit.
Commission to discuss proposed mutilated finfish rule
N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission members will hear during its meeting Aug. 23-25 in Raleigh a presentation on the annual Fisheries Management Plan Review, and there will be a discussion and possible vote on the proposed mutilated finfish rule.
Comment period on DMF incidental take permit begins
The incidental take permit application and conservation plan was submitted to address sturgeon and sea turtle interactions in the state’s estuarine anchored gill-net fishery.
Abundant elsewhere, NC’s blue crab population dwindles
The state’s commercial harvests of blue crabs topped 67 million pounds in the mid ’90s, but there’s been a generally steady decline ever since, and while overfished, that’s not the only reason.
Comment deadline Oct. 2 on proposed fisheries rule changes
A public hearing is set for Aug. 16 in Morehead City for the 103 proposed rule changes to be considered by the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission for oyster sanctuaries, the shellfish lease program, and commercial shellfish sanitation.
State releases annual fishery management plan review
The state has released its fishery management plan review with 2022 updates on the 13 N.C.-managed fishery plans.