The Department of Environmental Quality’s Environmental Stewardship Initiative conference offers educational sessions on timely environmental topics, a chance to share best practices, and networking events.
Bob Cutting, environmental attorney, educator dies
The former and longtime University of North Carolina Wilmington faculty member taught environmental law and was a board member of the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters.
NOAA to fund oyster sanctuary, marine sciences program
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration is awarding $14.9 million to the North Carolina Coastal Federation for oyster habitat restoration and a program to encourage underrepresented university students to study marine sciences.
Help Pine Knoll Shores aquarium name their skinks
Vote by Aug. 12 for your two favorite names for two female blue-tongue skinks at the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores.
Women scientists encouraged to exhibit at STEM event
Women scientists are encouraged to be exhibitors to inspire the next generation during this year’s Femme in STEM set for Sept. 16 at North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher.
Ghost forest research funds available to graduate students
Full-time graduate students interested in studying ghost forests in North Carolina can apply for funding until Aug. 11.
Workshop for educators on aquatic wildlife, ecology Aug. 12
Formal and nonformal educators interested in teaching about aquatic wildlife and ecology can register now for the Aug. 12 Aquatic WILD workshop at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher.
Education effort aims to address erosion, sedimentation
Activities, information and workshops are among the tools available for the public and professionals to learn about erosion and sediment control to protect water quality.
Work begins on exhibit showing oyster-human connection
Officials say the exhibit, “Fish Filter Food: The Human Connection,” in the works at the N.C. Aquarium on Roanoke Island focuses on a simple but important message.
Aquarium Scholars grants available to underserved students
Teachers from Title I or Title I-eligible schools have until Sept. 15 to apply for the program that provides funding for educational opportunities with North Carolina Aquariums.
New landscaping guide suggests ‘Plant This Instead!’
It’s hard to know what plants are best for your garden, but a new guide from the Coastal Landscapes Initiative offers alternatives to potentially harmful and invasive ornamentals.
Microfossils major part of museum’s public science project
Coordinators of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences’ Cretaceous Creatures public science project aim to reach eighth grade classrooms in all 100 counties this coming school year.
Summit to examine wind energy, flooding, toxins concerns
The Global Marine Science Summit, May 17-19 at UNCW’s Center for Marine Science, will focus on regional concerns with global implications such as sea level rise and flooding.
Research on migratory shorebirds a ‘massive effort’
Brian O’Shea, ornithology collection manager for N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, said the research network on long-distance migratory shorebirds, many of which we see on the N.C. coast, encompasses the entire Western Hemisphere.
‘Cutting edge of coastal science’: Institute marks 10th year
The Coastal Studies Institute chose Saturday, Earth Day, to celebrate a decade on the East Carolina University Outer Banks Campus with an open house.
Researcher to talk about ocean data collection program
Dr. Albert Plueddemann, senior scientist with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, will discuss the new research ocean observing array to be relocated offshore of the Outer Banks during this month’s “Science on the Sound” lecture series.